'iree_gpu' Dialectlink
A dialect for common functionality used by GPU focused IREE code generation.
This dialect provides operations and attributes to aid in code generation for GPU targets. The functionality in this dialect can be hardware specific, but is intended to be independent of the lowering target. Late lowerings to SPIR-V/LLVM are handled separately.
- 'iree_gpu' Dialect
- Operations
- Attributes
- ComputeBitwidthsAttr
- DataTiledMMAAttr
- DerivedThreadConfigAttr
- DotProductOpsAttr
- GPUEncodingLayoutAttr
- GPUPadLayoutAttr
- GPUPipelineOptionsAttr
- IteratorTypeAttr
- LaneIdAttr
- LoweringConfigAttr
- MMAAttr
- MMAIntrinsicAttr
- MMAOpsArrayAttr
- MMAScheduleAttr
- ReorderWorkgroupsStrategyAttr
- StorageBitwidthsAttr
- SubgroupOpsAttr
- TargetAttr
- TargetChipAttr
- TargetWgpAttr
- UKernelConfigAttr
- VirtualMMAAttr
- VirtualMMAIntrinsicAttr
- Enums
Synchronizes uses of a shared tensor.
operation ::= `iree_gpu.barrier_region` (`ins` `(` $inputs^ `:` type($inputs) `)` )?
$region attr-dict `:` type($results)
This op is designed to represent synchronization of workers on the operands
and results of the given region. This operation naturally arises when combining
the regions of producer-consumer scf.forall
operations that share a
mapping type.
For example, consider the following pair of parallel loops.
%0 = scf.forall (%idy, %idx) in (2, 32) shared_outs(%init = %empty) -> (tensor<4x128xf32>) {
%in = ...
%2 = affine.apply #affine_map<(d0) -> (d0 * 2)> (%idy)
%3 = affine.apply #affine_map<(d0) -> (d0 * 4)> (%idx)
scf.forall.in_parallel {
tensor.parallel_insert_slice %in into %init[%2, %3] [2, 4] [1, 1]
: tensor<2x4xf32> into tensor<4x128xf32>
} {mapping = [#gpu.thread<y>, #gpu.thread<x>]}
%1 = scf.forall (%idy, %idx) in (8, 8) -> (tensor<128x128xf32>) {
%4 = affine.apply #affine_map<(d0) -> (d0 * 16)> (%idx)
%extracted_slice = tensor.extract_slice %0[0, %4] [4, 16] [1, 1]
: tensor<4x128xf32> to tensor<4x16xf32>
} {mapping = [#gpu.thread<y>, #gpu.thread<x>]}
Because these loops share the same worker type and total count, the bodies of these two loops can be merged with a barrier an insert_slice and a shuffle where the boundary of the loops currently is.
%0 = scf.forall (%idy, %idx) in (8, 8) -> (tensor<4x128xf32>) {
%alloc = bufferization.alloc_tensor {memory_space = #gpu.address_space<workgroup>}
: tensor<4x128xf32>
%barrier = iree_gpu.barrier_region %alloc {
^bb0(%shared: tensor<4x128xf32>):
%ids = affine.delinearize_index %idy * 8 + %idx to (2, 32) : index
%in = ...
%2 = affine.apply #affine_map<(d0) -> (d0 * 2)> (%ids#0)
%3 = affine.apply #affine_map<(d0) -> (d0 * 4)> (%ids#1)
%inserted_slice = tensor.insert_slice %in into %shared[%2, %3] [2, 4] [1, 1]
: tensor<2x4xf32> to tensor<4x128xf32>
iree_gpu.yield %slice : tensor<4x16xf32>
} : tensor<4x128xf32> -> tensor<4x16xf32>
%4 = affine.apply #affine_map<(d0) -> (d0 * 16)> (%idx)
%slice = tensor.extract_slice %barrier[0, %4] [4, 16] [1, 1] : tensor<4x128xf32> to tensor<4x16xf32>
} {mapping = [#gpu.thread<y>, #gpu.thread<x>]}
A barrier_region can be lowered to two barriers, one on the input operands and a second one on the results.
Movtivation and Intended Use Cases:
The primary way this op is generated is when fusing parallel loops with tensor results. This operation helps to make lowerings more progressive and flexible. - Lowering directly to an alloc + reads and writes breaks the dependency chain making transformations like barrier placement and pipelining potentially more difficult. - Allows the option of non-vector based lowering paths.
Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait
, SingleBlockImplicitTerminator<mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::GPU::YieldOp>
, SingleBlock
Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable
, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)
Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}
Operand | Description |
inputs |
variadic of any type |
Result | Description |
results |
variadic of any type |
Models a contraction of multiple mma operations
operation ::= `iree_gpu.multi_mma` $lhs `,` $rhs `,` $acc attr-dict
`:` type($lhs) `,` type($rhs) `into` type($acc)
Computes the sum of inner MMA operations along a set of outer dimensions.
Logically matches closely with a vector.contraction
operation, however
the combiner type is a specific intrinsic rather than a generic combiner
Similar to vector.contraction
, an iterator type attribute list must be
specified, where each element of the list represents an iterator over one
of the outer dimensions. Iteration of inner dimensions is defined solely by
the intrinsic and may be opaque.
An indexing map attribute list must be specified with an entry for lhs, rhs and acc arguments. An indexing map attribute specifies a mapping from each outer loop iterator in the iterator type list, to each dimension of each operand.
The combiner type is defined by the intrinsic.
#contraction_accesses = [
affine_map<(i, j, k) -> (i, k)>,
affine_map<(i, j, k) -> (k, j)>,
affine_map<(i, j, k) -> (i, j)>
#contraction_trait = {
indexing_maps = #contraction_accesses,
iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction"],
kind = #iree_gpu.mma_layout<MFMA_F32_16x16x16_F16>
%3 = iree_gpu.multi_mma %0, %1, %2 #contraction_trait
: vector<2x3x4xf16>, vector<3x5x4xf16> into vector<2x5x4xf32>
// Takes tensors as well, however the inner dimensions must always be
// static.
%7 = iree_gpu.multi_mma %4, %5, %6 #contraction_trait
: tensor<?x?x4xf16>, tensor<?x?x4xf16> into tensor<?x?x4xf32>
The example above can be logically lowered directly to loops like this (ignoring type conversions from tensor to vector needed for the mfma).
%outer_m = tensor.dim %6, %c0 : index
%outer_n = tensor.dim %6, %c1 : index
%outer_k = tensor.dim %4, %c1 : index
%7 = scf.for %i = %c0 to %outer_m iter_args(%arg0 = %6) {
%8 = scf.for %j = %c0 to %outer_n iter_args(%arg1 = %arg0) {
%9 = scf.for %k = %c0 to %outer_k iter_args(%arg2 = %arg1) {
%lhs = tensor.extract_slice %4 [%i, %k, 0] [1, 1, 4] [1, 1, 1] : tensor<4xf16>
%rhs = tensor.extract_slice %5 [%k, %j, 0] [1, 1, 4] [1, 1, 1] : tensor<4xf16>
%acc = tensor.extract_slice %arg2 [%i, %j, 0] [1, 1, 4] [1, 1, 1] : tensor<4xf32>
%res = amdgpu.mfma %lhs, %rhs, %acc : tensor<4xf32>
%ret = tensor.insert_slice %acc into %arg2 [%i, %j, 0] [1, 1, 4] [1, 1, 1] : tensor<?x?x4xf32>
scf.yield %ret : tensor<?x?x4xf32>
scf.yield %9 : tensor<?x?x4xf32>
scf.yield %8 : tensor<?x?x4xf32>
Or alternatively unrolled to a single intrinsic when operation on vectors.
#contraction_accesses = [
affine_map<() -> ()>,
affine_map<() -> ()>,
affine_map<() -> ()>
#contraction_trait = {
indexing_maps = #contraction_accesses,
iterator_types = [],
kind = #iree_gpu.mma_layout<MFMA_F32_16x16x16_F16>
%3 = iree_gpu.multi_mma %0, %1, %2 #contraction_trait
: vector<4xf16>, vector<4xf16> into vector<4xf32>
This operation can represent an intrinsic both in subgroup/warp and distributed (thread) abstractions through the intrinsic attribute interface. It does so semi-opaquely by including optional permutations of each MMA fragment with respect to the "canonical" MNK row major matrix multiply.
Since the canonical dimensionality of the inner dimensions are somewhat intrinsic specific, verification of this op requires only that element counts of the inner dimensions match the intrinsic.
For example, an MMT product of inner dimensions with warp semantics can be represented with the following. Permutations are only allowed for ops with subgroup semantics and must be resolved before distribution.
#contraction_accesses = [
affine_map<(i, j, k) -> (i, k)>,
affine_map<(i, j, k) -> (k, j)>,
affine_map<(i, j, k) -> (i, j)>
#contraction_trait = {
indexing_maps = #contraction_accesses,
iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction"],
kind = #iree_gpu.mma_layout<MFMA_F32_16x16x16_F16>,
rhs_permutation = [1, 0]
%7 = iree_gpu.multi_mma %4, %5, %6 #contraction_trait
: tensor<?x?x16x16xf16>, tensor<?x?x16x16xf16> into tensor<?x?x16x16xf32>
Motivation, Design Choices, and Pitfallslink
The idea behind this operation is to decouple the layout setting/tiling required to target certain intrinsics from the lowering to them. Because typically tiling of this sort happens on tensor operands, however the target intrinsics operate on vectors, we use this operation to bridge the gap. The choice for a shared operation is intended to ease the lowering process and allow for different transformations at different stages of the pipeline without needing to essentially clone this op.
The choice to let the inner dimensions required to compute the intrinsic be
implicit based on the indexing maps was made to make this operation easier
to generate and to skip the need for type conversion ops. However this comes
at the expense of ease of verification for the operation. It is also
implicitly linked to a lane-level parent scf.forall
Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait
Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable
, DestinationStyleOpInterface
, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)
, TilingInterface
, VectorUnrollOpInterface
Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}
Attribute | MLIR Type | Description |
indexing_maps | ::mlir::ArrayAttr | array attribute |
iterator_types | ::mlir::ArrayAttr | Iterator type should be an enum. |
kind | IREE::GPU::MmaInterfaceAttr | buffer-like constant attribute values |
lhs_permutation | ::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttr | i64 dense array attribute |
rhs_permutation | ::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttr | i64 dense array attribute |
acc_permutation | ::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttr | i64 dense array attribute |
Operand | Description |
lhs |
ranked tensor or vector of any type values |
rhs |
ranked tensor or vector of any type values |
acc |
ranked tensor or vector of any type values |
Result | Description |
result |
ranked tensor or vector of any type values |
Synchronizes workers on a value semantic tensor or vector.
operation ::= `iree_gpu.value_barrier` $inputs attr-dict `:` type($inputs)
This operation acts as a barrier on a value semantic SSA values (tensor or vector). It takes multiple operands and produces a value equivalent to each input. This does not have copy and/or data movement semantics and simply represents a barrier on all writes in the tensor case, and a barrier until all threads acquire the input vector in the vector case.
The inputs must be either all tensors, or all vectors.
This operation is a no-op when not present in a parallel context. This operation is pure as it only requires synchronization for the value it produces.
Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait
Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable
, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)
Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}
Operand | Description |
inputs |
variadic of ranked tensor or vector of any type values |
Result | Description |
results |
variadic of ranked tensor or vector of any type values |
Yield values from a region
operation ::= `iree_gpu.yield` attr-dict ($values^ `:` type($values))?
This operation is used to yield values from a within a region.
Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait
, HasParent<::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::GPU::BarrierRegionOp>
, ReturnLike
, Terminator
Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable
, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)
, RegionBranchTerminatorOpInterface
Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}
Operand | Description |
values |
variadic of any type |
Supported bitwidths for compute
::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::GPU::ComputeBitwidths # value
Enum cases:
* fp64 (FP64
* fp32 (FP32
* fp16 (FP16
* int64 (Int64
* int32 (Int32
* int16 (Int16
* int8 (Int8
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
value | ::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::GPU::ComputeBitwidths |
an enum of type ComputeBitwidths |
::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::GPU::MMAIntrinsic, # intrinsic
int64_t, # intrinsics_m
int64_t, # subgroups_m
int64_t, # intrinsics_n
int64_t, # subgroups_n
int64_t # intrinsics_k
This mma variant represents MMA ops with data-tiling details. The |intrinsic| field specifies which particular MMA intrinsic is targeted by the data-tiling.
The other fields default to one, and that default results in a single intrinsic equivalent to MMAAttr, while values greater than one result in wider "kernels" consisting of multiple intrinsics, with the data layout already swizzled into a tile layout that allows each intrinsic to access data at an offset that's as simple as possible a mapping from the thread ID.
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
intrinsic | ::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::GPU::MMAIntrinsic |
an enum of type MMAIntrinsic |
intrinsics_m | int64_t |
Intrinsic count along the M dimension. |
subgroups_m | int64_t |
Subgroup count along the M dimension. |
intrinsics_n | int64_t |
Intrinsic count along the N dimension. |
subgroups_n | int64_t |
Subgroup count along the N dimension. |
intrinsics_k | int64_t |
Intrinsic count along the K dimension, with interleaved layout. |
Drive lowering of an operation by deriving thread distribution when needed.
Syntax: #iree_gpu.derived_thread_config
Lowering config for a single thread tiling level that is inferred after previous (often reduction) levels of tile + fuse. This is intended for fused operations where it is much easier to compute the tile sizes to use after previous levels of tile + fuse, rather than trying to pre-propagate tiling configs.
Supported dot product ops
::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::GPU::DotProductOps # value
Enum cases:
* none (None
* dp4xi8toi32 (DP4xI8ToI32
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
value | ::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::GPU::DotProductOps |
an enum of type DotProductOps |
The encoding layout attribute for GPU backend
::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::GPU::TargetAttr # targetAttr
This attribute can implement any layout interface methods for data-tiling, e.g., Codegen::LayoutAttrInterface, etc. They should be implemented through external model mechanism because we do not want to relocate domain-specific logic to the dialect implementation, and we can have better code structure. See the implementation in compiler/Codegen/ExternalInterfaces/*.
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
targetAttr | ::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::GPU::TargetAttr |
IREE GPU target attribute. It is expected to be used in a pass scope, but not the final IR output. |
The padded encoding layout attribute for GPU targets.
uint32_t, # cache_line_bytes
uint32_t # cache_sets
Describes padding preferences for a given GPU target. This attribute can implement any encoding interface for data-tiling, e.g., Encoding::EncodingLayoutAttrInterface, etc. They should be implemented through external model mechanism because we do not want to relocate domain-specific logic to the dialect implementation, and we can have better code structure. See the implementation in compiler/Codegen/ExternalInterfaces/*.
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
cache_line_bytes | uint32_t |
cache_sets | uint32_t |
GPU pipeline options attribute.
BoolAttr, # prefetch_shared_memory
BoolAttr, # no_reduce_shared_memory_bank_conflicts
BoolAttr, # use_igemm_convolution
ReorderWorkgroupsStrategyAttr # reorder_workgroups_strategy
This attributes describes lowering pipeline specific configuration options:
* prefetch_shared_memory: Boolean option indicating whether or not to run
the loop prefetching pass in the lowering pipeline.
* no_reduce_shared_memory_bank_conflicts: Boolean option indicating whether
or not to skip the bank conflict reduction pass in the lowering pipeline.
* reorder_workgroups_strategy: Enum attribute indicating which strategy to
choose for the workgroup reordering pass. Options are None
, Swizzle
and Transpose
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
prefetch_shared_memory | BoolAttr |
no_reduce_shared_memory_bank_conflicts | BoolAttr |
use_igemm_convolution | BoolAttr |
reorder_workgroups_strategy | ReorderWorkgroupsStrategyAttr |
Iterator type
::mlir::utils::IteratorType # value
Enum cases:
* parallel (parallel
* reduction (reduction
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
value | ::mlir::utils::IteratorType |
an enum of type IteratorType |
int64_t # dim
An attribute for mapping scf.forall ops to subgroup lanes.
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
dim | int64_t |
Drive lowering of an operation for gpu compilation.
DictionaryAttr # attributes
GPU specific implementation of a lowering config. This carries just a dictionary attribute to store any relevant fields. This is the simplest form of a lowering config, offering flexibility at the cost of structure.
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
attributes | DictionaryAttr |
The configured fields, including tiling levels |
::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::GPU::MMAIntrinsic # intrinsic
Attribute describing a particular shape of matrix-multiply and accumulate instruction. Abstractly, all attributes of this type represent the following unit of arithmetic for matrices A, B, and C.
C += A x B
The |intrinsic| field specifies which particular MMA intrinsic this refers to, with each intrinsic implicating a specific MNK shape and operand types. See IREEGPUEnums.td for the definition of the intrinsics.
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
intrinsic | ::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::GPU::MMAIntrinsic |
an enum of type MMAIntrinsic |
Descriptor for different MMA intrinsics
::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::GPU::MMAIntrinsic # value
Enum cases:
* MFMA_F32_16x16x4_F32 (MFMA_F32_16x16x4_F32
* MFMA_F32_16x16x16_F16 (MFMA_F32_16x16x16_F16
* MFMA_F32_32x32x8_F16 (MFMA_F32_32x32x8_F16
* MFMA_I32_16x16x16_I8 (MFMA_I32_16x16x16_I8
* MFMA_I32_32x32x8_I8 (MFMA_I32_32x32x8_I8
* MFMA_F32_16x16x8_BF16 (MFMA_F32_16x16x8_BF16
* MFMA_F32_32x32x4_BF16 (MFMA_F32_32x32x4_BF16
* MFMA_F64_16x16x4_F64 (MFMA_F64_16x16x4_F64
* MFMA_F32_16x16x16_BF16 (MFMA_F32_16x16x16_BF16
* MFMA_F32_32x32x8_BF16 (MFMA_F32_32x32x8_BF16
* MFMA_F32_16x16x32_F8E5M2FNUZ (MFMA_F32_16x16x32_F8E5M2FNUZ
* MFMA_F32_16x16x32_F8E5M2FNUZ_F8E4M3FNUZ (MFMA_F32_16x16x32_F8E5M2FNUZ_F8E4M3FNUZ
* MFMA_F32_16x16x32_F8E4M3FNUZ (MFMA_F32_16x16x32_F8E4M3FNUZ
* MFMA_F32_16x16x32_F8E4M3FNUZ_F8E5M2FNUZ (MFMA_F32_16x16x32_F8E4M3FNUZ_F8E5M2FNUZ
* MFMA_F32_32x32x16_F8E5M2FNUZ (MFMA_F32_32x32x16_F8E5M2FNUZ
* MFMA_F32_32x32x16_F8E5M2FNUZ_F8E4M3FNUZ (MFMA_F32_32x32x16_F8E5M2FNUZ_F8E4M3FNUZ
* MFMA_F32_32x32x16_F8E4M3FNUZ (MFMA_F32_32x32x16_F8E4M3FNUZ
* MFMA_F32_32x32x16_F8E4M3FNUZ_F8E5M2FNUZ (MFMA_F32_32x32x16_F8E4M3FNUZ_F8E5M2FNUZ
* MFMA_I32_16x16x32_I8 (MFMA_I32_16x16x32_I8
* MFMA_I32_32x32x16_I8 (MFMA_I32_32x32x16_I8
* WMMA_F32_16x16x16_F16 (WMMA_F32_16x16x16_F16
* WMMA_F16_16x16x16_F16 (WMMA_F16_16x16x16_F16
* WMMA_F32_16x16x16_BF16 (WMMA_F32_16x16x16_BF16
* WMMA_BF16_16x16x16_BF16 (WMMA_BF16_16x16x16_BF16
* WMMA_I32_16x16x16_I8 (WMMA_I32_16x16x16_I8
* NV_WMMA_F32_16x16x16_F16 (NV_WMMA_F32_16x16x16_F16
* NV_WMMA_F16_16x16x16_F16 (NV_WMMA_F16_16x16x16_F16
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
value | ::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::GPU::MMAIntrinsic |
an enum of type MMAIntrinsic |
::llvm::ArrayRef<MMAAttr> # value
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
value | ::llvm::ArrayRef<MMAAttr> |
::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::GPU::MmaInterfaceAttr, # intrinsic
int64_t, # subgroup_m_count
int64_t # subgroup_n_count
A schedule of MMA intrinsic instruction and various levels of tile sizes to solve a specific contraction problem.
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
intrinsic | ::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::GPU::MmaInterfaceAttr |
subgroup_m_count | int64_t |
subgroup_n_count | int64_t |
Strategy for workgroup reordering
::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::GPU::ReorderWorkgroupsStrategy # value
Enum cases:
* None (None
* Transpose (Transpose
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
value | ::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::GPU::ReorderWorkgroupsStrategy |
an enum of type ReorderWorkgroupsStrategy |
Supported bitwidths for storage
::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::GPU::StorageBitwidths # value
Enum cases:
* b64 (B64
* b32 (B32
* b16 (B16
* b8 (B8
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
value | ::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::GPU::StorageBitwidths |
an enum of type StorageBitwidths |
Supported subgroup ops
::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::GPU::SubgroupOps # value
Enum cases:
* none (None
* shuffle (Shuffle
* arithmetic (Arithmetic
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
value | ::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::GPU::SubgroupOps |
an enum of type SubgroupOps |
Full GPU target attribute
::llvm::StringRef, # arch
::llvm::StringRef, # features
TargetWgpAttr, # wgp
TargetChipAttr # chip
This attributes describes a full GPU target. It contains a few fields: * The canonical target architecture for compilation, e.g., sm_80 for cuda, gfx942 for hip * A TargetWgpAttr describing the GPU features and limits in a single GPU workgroup processor (WGP), that is, AMD compute unit or NVIDIA streaming multiprocessor * An optional TargetChipAttr describing GPU features for the final chip or product, e.g., wgp count
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
arch | ::llvm::StringRef |
target architecture |
features | ::llvm::StringRef |
target features |
wgp | TargetWgpAttr |
chip | TargetChipAttr |
Chip level target description
uint32_t, # wgp_count
StringAttr, # sku
DictionaryAttr # extra
This attribute contains hardware features/limits at a single GPU chip level. Here a GPU chip means the hardware functionality scope where the whole software compute grid is scheduled onto. A chip typically contains many AMD compute units or NVIDIA streaming multiprocessors; it's the final SKU.
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
wgp_count | uint32_t |
sku | StringAttr |
extra | DictionaryAttr |
Workgroup processor level target description
ComputeBitwidthsAttr, # compute
StorageBitwidthsAttr, # storage
SubgroupOpsAttr, # subgroup
DotProductOpsAttr, # dot
MMAOpsArrayAttr, # mma
DenseI32ArrayAttr, # subgroup_size_choices
DenseI32ArrayAttr, # max_workgroup_sizes
int32_t, # max_thread_count_per_workgroup
int32_t, # max_workgroup_memory_bytes
DenseI32ArrayAttr, # max_workgroup_counts
std::optional<int32_t>, # max_load_instruction_bits
std::optional<int32_t>, # simds_per_wgp
std::optional<int32_t>, # vgpr_space_bits
DictionaryAttr # extra
This attribute contains hardware features/limits at a single GPU workgroup processor (WGP) level. Here a GPU workgroup processor means the basic hardware functionality unit where a software workgroup is scheduled onto; that is, a compute unit for AMD GPUs or a streaming multiprocessor for NVIDIA GPUs.
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
compute | ComputeBitwidthsAttr |
storage | StorageBitwidthsAttr |
subgroup | SubgroupOpsAttr |
dot | DotProductOpsAttr |
mma | MMAOpsArrayAttr |
subgroup_size_choices | DenseI32ArrayAttr |
max_workgroup_sizes | DenseI32ArrayAttr |
max_thread_count_per_workgroup | int32_t |
max_workgroup_memory_bytes | int32_t |
max_workgroup_counts | DenseI32ArrayAttr |
max_load_instruction_bits | std::optional<int32_t> |
simds_per_wgp | std::optional<int32_t> |
vgpr_space_bits | std::optional<int32_t> |
extra | DictionaryAttr |
An attribute specifying a ukernel that an op can lower to.
StringAttr, # name
DictionaryAttr, # def_attrs
int64_t # shared_memory_bytes
An attribute that can be applied to any operation to specify that it has been matched with a ukernel that is a legal lowering for it.
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
name | StringAttr |
def_attrs | DictionaryAttr |
shared_memory_bytes | int64_t |
Size in bytes of shared memory workspace |
::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::GPU::VirtualMMAIntrinsic # intrinsic
This mma variant represents "virtual" MMA ops that has modification to its native layouts by intrinsicsK and/or interleave reads. The |intrinsic| field represents different kinds of "Virtual" MMA Ops we found helpful.
These interleaving and/or unrolling changes in the layout is especially useful to coalesce reads from shared memory to register or align layouts in a chained-matmul operation.
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
intrinsic | ::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::GPU::VirtualMMAIntrinsic |
an enum of type VirtualMMAIntrinsic |
Descriptor for different Virtual MMA intrinsics
::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::GPU::VirtualMMAIntrinsic # value
Enum cases:
* VMFMA_F32_16x16x32_F16 (VMFMA_F32_16x16x32_F16
* VMFMA_F32_32x32x16_F16 (VMFMA_F32_32x32x16_F16
* VMFMA_F32_16x16x32_F8E4M3FNUZ (VMFMA_F32_16x16x32_F8E4M3FNUZ
* VMFMA_F32_32x32x16_F8E4M3FNUZ (VMFMA_F32_32x32x16_F8E4M3FNUZ
Parameter | C++ type | Description |
value | ::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::GPU::VirtualMMAIntrinsic |
an enum of type VirtualMMAIntrinsic |
Supported bitwidths for compute
Symbol | Value | String |
FP64 | 1 |
fp64 |
FP32 | 2 |
fp32 |
FP16 | 4 |
fp16 |
Int64 | 8 |
int64 |
Int32 | 16 |
int32 |
Int16 | 32 |
int16 |
Int8 | 64 |
int8 |
Supported dot product ops
Symbol | Value | String |
None | 0 |
none |
DP4xI8ToI32 | 1 |
dp4xi8toi32 |
Descriptor for a particular fragment of an MMA operation
Symbol | Value | String |
Lhs | 0 |
Lhs |
Rhs | 1 |
Rhs |
Acc | 2 |
Acc |
Descriptor for different MMA intrinsics
Symbol | Value | String |
MFMA_F32_16x16x4_F32 | 4112 |
MFMA_F32_16x16x4_F32 |
MFMA_F32_16x16x16_F16 | 4128 |
MFMA_F32_16x16x16_F16 |
MFMA_F32_32x32x8_F16 | 4129 |
MFMA_F32_32x32x8_F16 |
MFMA_I32_16x16x16_I8 | 4288 |
MFMA_I32_16x16x16_I8 |
MFMA_I32_32x32x8_I8 | 4289 |
MFMA_I32_32x32x8_I8 |
MFMA_F32_16x16x8_BF16 | 4384 |
MFMA_F32_16x16x8_BF16 |
MFMA_F32_32x32x4_BF16 | 4385 |
MFMA_F32_32x32x4_BF16 |
MFMA_F64_16x16x4_F64 | 4352 |
MFMA_F64_16x16x4_F64 |
MFMA_F32_16x16x16_BF16 | 4640 |
MFMA_F32_16x16x16_BF16 |
MFMA_F32_32x32x8_BF16 | 4641 |
MFMA_F32_32x32x8_BF16 |
MFMA_F32_16x16x32_F8E5M2FNUZ | 4656 |
MFMA_F32_16x16x32_F8E5M2FNUZ |
MFMA_F32_16x16x32_F8E5M2FNUZ_F8E4M3FNUZ | 4657 |
MFMA_F32_16x16x32_F8E5M2FNUZ_F8E4M3FNUZ |
MFMA_F32_16x16x32_F8E4M3FNUZ | 4658 |
MFMA_F32_16x16x32_F8E4M3FNUZ |
MFMA_F32_16x16x32_F8E4M3FNUZ_F8E5M2FNUZ | 4659 |
MFMA_F32_16x16x32_F8E4M3FNUZ_F8E5M2FNUZ |
MFMA_F32_32x32x16_F8E5M2FNUZ | 4660 |
MFMA_F32_32x32x16_F8E5M2FNUZ |
MFMA_F32_32x32x16_F8E5M2FNUZ_F8E4M3FNUZ | 4661 |
MFMA_F32_32x32x16_F8E5M2FNUZ_F8E4M3FNUZ |
MFMA_F32_32x32x16_F8E4M3FNUZ | 4662 |
MFMA_F32_32x32x16_F8E4M3FNUZ |
MFMA_F32_32x32x16_F8E4M3FNUZ_F8E5M2FNUZ | 4663 |
MFMA_F32_32x32x16_F8E4M3FNUZ_F8E5M2FNUZ |
MFMA_I32_16x16x32_I8 | 4800 |
MFMA_I32_16x16x32_I8 |
MFMA_I32_32x32x16_I8 | 4801 |
MFMA_I32_32x32x16_I8 |
WMMA_F32_16x16x16_F16 | 6176 |
WMMA_F32_16x16x16_F16 |
WMMA_F16_16x16x16_F16 | 6177 |
WMMA_F16_16x16x16_F16 |
WMMA_F32_16x16x16_BF16 | 6178 |
WMMA_F32_16x16x16_BF16 |
WMMA_BF16_16x16x16_BF16 | 6179 |
WMMA_BF16_16x16x16_BF16 |
WMMA_I32_16x16x16_I8 | 6336 |
WMMA_I32_16x16x16_I8 |
NV_WMMA_F32_16x16x16_F16 | 8224 |
NV_WMMA_F32_16x16x16_F16 |
NV_WMMA_F16_16x16x16_F16 | 8225 |
NV_WMMA_F16_16x16x16_F16 |
Descriptor for a particular scope of an MMA operation
Symbol | Value | String |
Workgroup | 0 |
Workgroup |
Subgroup | 1 |
Subgroup |
Strategy for workgroup reordering
Symbol | Value | String |
None | 0 |
None |
Transpose | 1 |
Transpose |
Supported bitwidths for storage
Symbol | Value | String |
B64 | 1 |
b64 |
B32 | 2 |
b32 |
B16 | 4 |
b16 |
B8 | 8 |
b8 |
Supported subgroup ops
Symbol | Value | String |
None | 0 |
none |
Shuffle | 1 |
shuffle |
Arithmetic | 2 |
arithmetic |
Descriptor for tiling levels for GPU lowering configs
Symbol | Value | String |
Workgroup | 0 |
Workgroup |
Reduction | 1 |
Reduction |
PartialReduction | 2 |
PartialReduction |
Thread | 3 |
Thread |
Subgroup | 4 |
Subgroup |
Lane | 5 |
Lane |
Descriptor for different Virtual MMA intrinsics
Symbol | Value | String |
VMFMA_F32_16x16x32_F16 | 0 |
VMFMA_F32_16x16x32_F16 |
VMFMA_F32_32x32x16_F16 | 1 |
VMFMA_F32_32x32x16_F16 |
VMFMA_F32_16x16x32_F8E4M3FNUZ | 2 |
VMFMA_F32_16x16x32_F8E4M3FNUZ |
VMFMA_F32_32x32x16_F8E4M3FNUZ | 3 |
VMFMA_F32_32x32x16_F8E4M3FNUZ |
Iterator type
Symbol | Value | String |
parallel | 0 |
parallel |
reduction | 1 |
reduction |