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'hal' Dialectlink

A dialect representing operations against the IREE HAL.

This can be thought of as a Vulkan-like model with all of the graphics bits chopped out.

The type set is limited to those that can be represented in the IREE HAL design: buffers and views, synchronization primitives like semaphores, and command buffers. The intent is that if a device could implement the HAL interface the sequencer ops could run on that device, such as being able to run on a GPU via indirect command buffers.

Though this is mostly a 1:1 mapping to the iree::hal API there are some methods omitted as they are not likely to be needed in IR. It's assumed that either sequencer interfaces will encapsulate the logic (such as device resolution) or that certain features are unsafe to expose to user-defined input.


Allocator opslink

Ops for !hal.allocator / iree_hal_allocator_t.

hal.allocator.allocate (HAL::AllocatorAllocateOp)link

Empty buffer allocation operation


operation ::= `hal.allocator.allocate` `<` $allocator `:` type($allocator) `>`
              `affinity` `(` $queue_affinity `)`
              `type` `(` $memory_types `)`
              `usage` `(` $buffer_usage `)`
              `:` custom<SizeAwareType>(type($result), $result_size)

Allocates a buffer of the given size from the allocator. The size of the buffer returned may be larger than the requested size if the allocator has specific alignment requirements or minimum allocation sizes.

Interfaces: OpAsmOpInterface, SizeAwareOpInterface

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
memory_typesmlir::iree_compiler::IREE::HAL::MemoryTypeBitfieldAttrvalid MemoryType
buffer_usagemlir::iree_compiler::IREE::HAL::BufferUsageBitfieldAttrvalid BufferUsage
Operand Description
allocator allocator
queue_affinity 64-bit signless integer
result_size index
Result Description
result buffer

hal.allocator.import (HAL::AllocatorImportOp)link

Allocator-supported host buffer import operation


operation ::= `hal.allocator.import` `<` $allocator `:` type($allocator) `>`
              `source` `(` $source `:` type($source) `)` `` `[` $offset `,` $length `]`
              `affinity` `(` $queue_affinity `)`
              `type` `(` $memory_types `)`
              `usage` `(` $buffer_usage `)`
              `:` type($did_import) `,` type($result)

Tries importing host memory backed by the given byte buffer into a device accessible !hal.buffer. The returned buffer may be host-only and not directly usable on devices. If the mapping cannot be completed (such as trying to map the host memory as device-local on devices with discrete memory) then did_import will indicate that the returned buffer is null.

Interfaces: OpAsmOpInterface, SizeAwareOpInterface

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
memory_typesmlir::iree_compiler::IREE::HAL::MemoryTypeBitfieldAttrvalid MemoryType
buffer_usagemlir::iree_compiler::IREE::HAL::BufferUsageBitfieldAttrvalid BufferUsage
Operand Description
allocator allocator
queue_affinity 64-bit signless integer
source a reference counted byte buffer
offset index
length index
Result Description
did_import 1-bit signless integer
result buffer

Buffer opslink

Ops for !hal.buffer / iree_hal_buffer_t.

hal.buffer.assert (HAL::BufferAssertOp)link

Buffer compatibility assertion


operation ::= `hal.buffer.assert` `<` $buffer `:` type($buffer) `>`
              `message` `(` $message `)`
              `allocator` `(` $allocator `:` type($allocator) `)`
              `minimum_length` `(` $minimum_length `)`
              `type` `(` $memory_types `)`
              `usage` `(` $buffer_usage `)`

Asserts that the buffer is compatible with the given allocator and usage. Program execution will abort as if std.assert had been used.

This only checks that the buffer can be used and not that it matches the given parameters exactly. Buffers may be from other allocators so long as the allocators are compatible (devices can address each other's memory), the type and usage contain all the requested bits (having more bits is ok), and the length is at least the requested minimum (as padding may be ignored).

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
message::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
memory_typesmlir::iree_compiler::IREE::HAL::MemoryTypeBitfieldAttrvalid MemoryType
buffer_usagemlir::iree_compiler::IREE::HAL::BufferUsageBitfieldAttrvalid BufferUsage
Operand Description
buffer buffer
allocator allocator
minimum_length index

hal.buffer.length (HAL::BufferLengthOp)link

Buffer byte length accessor


operation ::= `hal.buffer.length` `<` $buffer `:` type($buffer) `>`
              `:` type($result)

Returns the allocated size of a buffer in bytes. May be less than the underlying buffer allocation if this is a subspan or view into another buffer.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

Operand Description
buffer buffer
Result Description
result index

hal.buffer.load (HAL::BufferLoadOp)link

Buffer element load operation


operation ::= `hal.buffer.load` `<` $source_buffer `:` type($source_buffer) `>`
              `` `[` $source_offset `]`
              `:` type($result)

Loads a value from a buffer by mapping it.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

Operand Description
source_buffer buffer
source_offset index
Result Description
result index or signless integer or floating-point or complex-type or vector of any type values (HAL::BufferStoreOp)link

Buffer element store operation


operation ::= `` `<` $target_buffer `:` type($target_buffer) `>`
              `` `[` $target_offset `]`
              `value` `(` $value `:` type($value) `)`

Stores a value into a buffer by mapping it.

Operand Description
value index or signless integer or floating-point or complex-type or vector of any type values
target_buffer buffer
target_offset index

hal.buffer.subspan (HAL::BufferSubspanOp)link

Buffer subspan operation


operation ::= `hal.buffer.subspan` `<` $source_buffer `:` type($source_buffer) `>`
              `` `[` $source_offset `,` $length `]`
              `:` type($result)

Returns a reference to a subspan of the buffer.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface, SizeAwareOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

Operand Description
source_buffer buffer
source_offset index
length index
Result Description
result buffer

Buffer view opslink

Ops for !hal.buffer_view / iree_hal_buffer_view_t.

hal.buffer_view.assert (HAL::BufferViewAssertOp)link

Buffer view contents assertion


operation ::= `hal.buffer_view.assert` `<` $buffer_view `:` type($buffer_view) `>`
              `message` `(` $message `)`
              `shape` `(` `[` $shape `]` `)`
              `type` `(` $element_type `)`
              `encoding` `(` $encoding_type `)`

Asserts that the buffer view contains a data compatible tensor with the given encoding. Program execution will abort as if std.assert had been used.

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
message::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
Operand Description
buffer_view buffer_view
element_type 32-bit signless integer
encoding_type 32-bit signless integer
shape variadic of index

hal.buffer_view.buffer (HAL::BufferViewBufferOp)link

Buffer view buffer accessor


operation ::= `hal.buffer_view.buffer` `<` $buffer_view `:` type($buffer_view) `>`
              `:` type($result)

Returns the buffer backing this view's contents.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

Operand Description
buffer_view buffer_view
Result Description
result buffer

hal.buffer_view.create (HAL::BufferViewCreateOp)link

Buffer view reference initializer


operation ::= `hal.buffer_view.create` `buffer` `(` $source_buffer `:` type($source_buffer) `)`
              `` `[` $source_offset `,` $source_length `]`
              `shape` `(` `[` $shape `]` `)`
              `type` `(` $element_type `)`
              `encoding` `(` $encoding_type `)`
              `:` type($result)

Creates a reference to a buffer with a particular shape and element type. The buffer is not copied and both the original and view references must be synchronized. This makes it easier to associate commonly-carried metadata along with the contents.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

Operand Description
source_buffer buffer
source_offset index
source_length index
element_type 32-bit signless integer
encoding_type 32-bit signless integer
shape variadic of index
Result Description
result buffer_view

hal.buffer_view.dim (HAL::BufferViewDimOp)link

Buffer view dimension value query


operation ::= `hal.buffer_view.dim` `<` $buffer_view `:` type($buffer_view) `>`
              `` `[` $index `]`
              `:` type($result)

Returns the value of the given dimension.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
index::mlir::IntegerAttrindex attribute
Operand Description
buffer_view buffer_view
Result Description
result index

hal.buffer_view.element_type (HAL::BufferViewElementTypeOp)link

Buffer view element type query


operation ::= `hal.buffer_view.element_type` `<` $buffer_view `:` type($buffer_view) `>`
              `:` type($result)

Returns the element type of the buffer view.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

Operand Description
buffer_view buffer_view
Result Description
result 32-bit signless integer

hal.buffer_view.encoding_type (HAL::BufferViewEncodingTypeOp)link

Buffer view encoding type query


operation ::= `hal.buffer_view.encoding_type` `<` $buffer_view `:` type($buffer_view) `>`
              `:` type($result)

Returns the encoding type of the buffer view.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

Operand Description
buffer_view buffer_view
Result Description
result 32-bit signless integer

hal.buffer_view.rank (HAL::BufferViewRankOp)link

Buffer view rank query


operation ::= `hal.buffer_view.rank` `<` $buffer_view `:` type($buffer_view) `>`
              `:` type($result)

Returns the rank of the buffer view.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

Operand Description
buffer_view buffer_view
Result Description
result index

hal.buffer_view.trace (HAL::BufferViewTraceOp)link

Trace value(s) operation


operation ::= `hal.buffer_view.trace` $key `=`
              $operands `:` type($operands)

Traces out to a runtime trace sink (console, log file, etc) the given buffer views and titles them with the given key. The key is informational only and useful for titling/marking specific sets of buffers for easier searching.

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
key::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
Operand Description
operands variadic of buffer_view

hal.element_type (HAL::ElementTypeOp)link

An iree_hal_element_type_t for the given MLIR type


operation ::= `hal.element_type` `<` $type `>`
              `:` type($result)

Maps an MLIR type to a runtime iree_hal_element_type_t value for all types that are convertable.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
type::mlir::TypeAttrany type attribute
Result Description
result 32-bit signless integer

hal.encoding_type (HAL::EncodingTypeOp)link

An iree_hal_encoding_type_t for the given MLIR encoding


operation ::= `hal.encoding_type` `<` ($encoding^):( `` `dense_row_major`)? `>`
              `:` type($result)

Maps an MLIR encoding to a runtime iree_hal_encoding_type_t value for all encodings that are convertable.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
encoding::mlir::Attributeany attribute
Result Description
result 32-bit signless integer

Channel opslink

Ops for ! / iree_hal_channel_t. (HAL::ChannelCreateOp)link

Creates a new channel for collective communication


operation ::= `` `device` `(` $device `:` type($device) `)`
              `affinity` `(` $queue_affinity `)`
              `flags` `(` $flags `)`
              `id` `(` $id `)`
              `group` `(` $group `)`
              `rank` `(` $rank `)`
              `count` `(` $count `)`
              `:` type($result)

Returns a new channel with the given rank associated with the given device queue. Collective operations using this channel must only be submitted on compatible queues.

The group and ID are optional and may be null. A rank or count of -1 can be used to indicate a default inherited from the environment or device configuration.

Interfaces: OpAsmOpInterface

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
flags::mlir::IntegerAttr32-bit signless integer attribute
Operand Description
device device
queue_affinity 64-bit signless integer
id a reference counted byte buffer
group a reference counted byte buffer
rank 32-bit signless integer
count 32-bit signless integer
Result Description
result (HAL::ChannelRankAndCountOp)link

Returns the rank of the local participant in the group


operation ::= `` `<` $channel `:` type($channel) `>`
              `:` type($rank) `,` type($count)

Returns the rank the channel represents as a participant in a collective group in [0, count) and the total participant count.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

Operand Description
Result Description
rank 32-bit signless integer
count 32-bit signless integer (HAL::ChannelSplitOp)link

Splits a collective communication channel


operation ::= `` `<` $channel `:` type($channel) `>`
              `color` `(` $color `)`
              `key` `(` $key `)`
              `flags` `(` $flags `)`
              `:` type($result)

Partitions the group associated with the given channel into disjoint subgroups for each unique value of color. Each new subgroup contains all participants of the same color and within each subgroup the key argument is used to define the rank order. When multiple participants in a group use the same key the tie will be broken using their rank in the parent group. A color of -1 indicates that the rank does not participate in any subgroup and will return a null channel.

Interfaces: OpAsmOpInterface

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
flags::mlir::IntegerAttr32-bit signless integer attribute
Operand Description
color 32-bit signless integer
key 32-bit signless integer
Result Description

Command buffer opslink

Ops for !hal.command_buffer / iree_hal_command_buffer_t.

hal.command_buffer.begin_debug_group (HAL::CommandBufferBeginDebugGroupOp)link

Pushes a command buffer debug group label


operation ::= `hal.command_buffer.begin_debug_group` `<` $command_buffer `:` type($command_buffer) `>`
              `label` `(` $label `)`

Pushes a new debug group with the given label. All commands between this and a mandatory matching call to hal.command_buffer.end_debug_group will be grouped together with the given label.

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
label::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
Operand Description
command_buffer command_buffer

hal.command_buffer.collective (HAL::CommandBufferCollectiveOp)link

Command buffer collective dispatch recording operation


operation ::= `hal.command_buffer.collective` `<` $command_buffer `:` type($command_buffer) `>`
              `channel` `(` $channel `:` type($channel) `)`
              `op` `(` $op `)`
              (`param` `(` $param^ `:` type($param) `)`)?
              (`send` `(` $send_buffer^ `:` type($send_buffer) `)`
              `` `[` $send_offset `,` $send_length `]`)?
              (`recv` `(` $recv_buffer^ `:` type($recv_buffer) `)`
              `` `[` $recv_offset `,` $recv_length `]`)?
              `count` `(` $element_count `)`

Dispatches a collective operation defined by op using the given buffers.

Traits: AttrSizedOperandSegments

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
op::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::HAL::CollectiveAttrcollective operation and specification
Operand Description
command_buffer command_buffer
element_count index
param 32-bit signless integer
send_buffer index or buffer
send_offset index
send_length index
recv_buffer index or buffer
recv_offset index
recv_length index

hal.command_buffer.copy_buffer (HAL::CommandBufferCopyBufferOp)link

Command buffer buffer copy recording operation


operation ::= `hal.command_buffer.copy_buffer` `<` $command_buffer `:` type($command_buffer) `>`
              `source` `(` $source_buffer `:` type($source_buffer) `)`
              `` `[` $source_offset `]`
              `target` `(` $target_buffer `:` type($target_buffer) `)`
              `` `[` $target_offset `]`
              `length` `(` $length `)`

Copies a range of one buffer to another.

Operand Description
command_buffer command_buffer
source_buffer index or buffer
source_offset index
target_buffer index or buffer
target_offset index
length index

hal.command_buffer.create (HAL::CommandBufferCreateOp)link

Command buffer allocation operation


operation ::= `hal.command_buffer.create` `device` `(` $device `:` type($device) `)`
              `mode` `(` $modes `)`
              `categories` `(` $command_categories `)`
              `affinity` `(` $queue_affinity `)`
              (`bindings` `(` $binding_capacity^ `)`)?
              `:` type($result)

Returns a command buffer from the device pool ready to begin recording.

Interfaces: OpAsmOpInterface

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
modesmlir::iree_compiler::IREE::HAL::CommandBufferModeBitfieldAttrvalid CommandBufferMode
command_categoriesmlir::iree_compiler::IREE::HAL::CommandCategoryBitfieldAttrvalid CommandCategory
Operand Description
device device
queue_affinity 64-bit signless integer
binding_capacity index
Result Description
result command_buffer

hal.command_buffer.device (HAL::CommandBufferDeviceOp)link

Command buffer device query operation


operation ::= `hal.command_buffer.device` `<` $command_buffer `:` type($command_buffer) `>`
              `:` type($device)

Used during conversion to access the device used to create a command buffer.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

Operand Description
command_buffer command_buffer
Result Description
device device

hal.command_buffer.dispatch.indirect (HAL::CommandBufferDispatchIndirectOp)link

Command buffer indirect dispatch recording operation


operation ::= `hal.command_buffer.dispatch.indirect` `<` $command_buffer `:` type($command_buffer) `>`
              `target` `(` $executable `:` type($executable) `)`
              `` `[` $entry_point `]`
              `workgroups` `(` $workgroups_buffer `:` type($workgroups_buffer) `)`
              `` `[` $workgroups_offset `]`
              (`constants` `(` `[` $constants^ `]` `)`)?
              `bindings` `(` `[`
              `]` `)`
              `flags` `(` $flags `)`

Dispatches an execution request with a deferred workgroup count. This is the same as iree_hal_command_buffer_dispatch but the workgroup count is read from the given |workgroups_ref| buffer at the specified offset as 3 uint32_t XYZ values immediately before performing the dispatch. This allows prior dispatches within the command sequence to populate the workgroup count or the workgroup count to change across submissions of the same reusable command buffer.

The provided constant data and binding list will be recorded into the command buffer and need not remain live beyond the call. Push constants are always 4-byte values and treated as opaque, meaning that they may be bit-casted floats, bit-packed booleans, etc. The provided buffers may either be HAL buffers or indirect references into the command buffer binding table.

Traits: AttrSizedOperandSegments

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
flags::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::HAL::DispatchFlagsAttrvalid dispatch flags
Operand Description
command_buffer command_buffer
executable executable
entry_point index
workgroups_buffer index or buffer
workgroups_offset index
constants variadic of 32-bit signless integer
binding_buffers variadic of index or buffer
binding_offsets variadic of index
binding_lengths variadic of index

hal.command_buffer.dispatch (HAL::CommandBufferDispatchOp)link

Command buffer dispatch recording operation


operation ::= `hal.command_buffer.dispatch` `<` $command_buffer `:` type($command_buffer) `>`
              `target` `(` $executable `:` type($executable) `)`
              `` `[` $entry_point `]`
              `workgroups` `(` `[`
              $workgroup_x `,`
              $workgroup_y `,`
              `]` `)`
              (`constants` `(` `[` $constants^ `]` `)`)?
              `bindings` `(` `[`
              `]` `)`
              `flags` `(` $flags `)`

Dispatches an execution request. The request may execute overlapped with any other transfer operation or dispatch made within the same barrier-defined sequence.

The provided constant data and binding list will be recorded into the command buffer and need not remain live beyond the call. Push constants are always 4-byte values and treated as opaque, meaning that they may be bit-casted floats, bit-packed booleans, etc. The provided buffers may either be HAL buffers or indirect references into the command buffer binding table.

Traits: AttrSizedOperandSegments

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
flags::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::HAL::DispatchFlagsAttrvalid dispatch flags
Operand Description
command_buffer command_buffer
executable executable
entry_point index
workgroup_x index
workgroup_y index
workgroup_z index
constants variadic of 32-bit signless integer
binding_buffers variadic of index or buffer
binding_offsets variadic of index
binding_lengths variadic of index

hal.command_buffer.end_debug_group (HAL::CommandBufferEndDebugGroupOp)link

Pops a command buffer debug group label


operation ::= `hal.command_buffer.end_debug_group` `<` $command_buffer `:` type($command_buffer) `>`

Pops a debug group from the stack.

Operand Description
command_buffer command_buffer

hal.command_buffer.execution_barrier (HAL::CommandBufferExecutionBarrierOp)link

Command buffer execution barrier recording operation


operation ::= `hal.command_buffer.execution_barrier` `<` $command_buffer `:` type($command_buffer) `>`
              `source` `(` $source_stage_mask `)`
              `target` `(` $target_stage_mask `)`
              `flags` `(` $flags `)`

Defines an execution dependency between all commands recorded before the barrier and all commands recorded after the barrier. Only the stages provided will be affected.

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
source_stage_maskmlir::iree_compiler::IREE::HAL::ExecutionStageBitfieldAttrvalid ExecutionStage
target_stage_maskmlir::iree_compiler::IREE::HAL::ExecutionStageBitfieldAttrvalid ExecutionStage
flagsmlir::iree_compiler::IREE::HAL::ExecutionBarrierFlagBitfieldAttrvalid ExecutionBarrierFlag
Operand Description
command_buffer command_buffer

hal.command_buffer.fill_buffer (HAL::CommandBufferFillBufferOp)link

Command buffer buffer fill recording operation


operation ::= `hal.command_buffer.fill_buffer` `<` $command_buffer `:` type($command_buffer) `>`
              `target` `(` $target_buffer `:` type($target_buffer) `)`
              `` `[` $target_offset `,` $length `]`
              `pattern` `(` $pattern `:` type($pattern) `)`

Fills the target buffer with the given repeating value.

Operand Description
command_buffer command_buffer
target_buffer index or buffer
target_offset index
length index
pattern 8-bit signless integer or 16-bit signless integer or 32-bit signless integer

hal.command_buffer.finalize (HAL::CommandBufferFinalizeOp)link

Finalizes command buffer recording


operation ::= `hal.command_buffer.finalize` `<` $command_buffer `:` type($command_buffer) `>`

Ends recording into the command buffer and prepares it for submission. No more commands may be recorded into the command buffer.

Operand Description
command_buffer command_buffer

hal.command_buffer.update_buffer (HAL::CommandBufferUpdateBufferOp)link

Command buffer buffer update recording operation


operation ::= `hal.command_buffer.update_buffer` `<` $command_buffer `:` type($command_buffer) `>`
              `source` `(` $source_buffer `:` type($source_buffer) `{` $source_size `}` `)`
              `` `[` $source_offset `]`
              `target` `(` $target_buffer `:` type($target_buffer) `)`
              `` `[` $target_offset `]`
              `length` `(` $length `)`

Copies a range of a host buffer into a device buffer. The host buffer contents will be captured at the time of the call and embedded in the command buffer.

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface (MemoryEffectOpInterface), SubrangeOperandOpInterface, Util_SizeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{MemoryEffects::Read on ::mlir::SideEffects::DefaultResource, MemoryEffects::Write on ::mlir::SideEffects::DefaultResource}

Operand Description
command_buffer command_buffer
source_buffer a reference counted byte buffer
source_size index
source_offset index
target_buffer index or buffer
target_offset index
length index

Device management opslink

Device availability and selection support.

hal.devices.count (HAL::DevicesCountOp)link

Returns the number of available devices


operation ::= `hal.devices.count` attr-dict `:` type($result)

Returns the total number of available devices registered at runtime.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

Result Description
result index

hal.devices.get (HAL::DevicesGetOp)link

Returns the device with the given index


operation ::= `hal.devices.get` $index attr-dict `:` type($result)

Returns the device with the given index in the [0, hal.devices.count) range. Devices may be lazily initialized upon first use.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

Operand Description
index index
Result Description
result device

Device opslink

Ops for !hal.device / iree_hal_device_t.

hal.device.allocator (HAL::DeviceAllocatorOp)link

Device allocator accessor operation


operation ::= `hal.device.allocator` `<` $device `:` type($device) `>` `:` type($result) attr-dict-with-keyword

Returns the allocator that can be used to allocate buffers compatible with the device.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

Operand Description
device device
Result Description
result allocator

hal.device.query (HAL::DeviceQueryOp)link

Returns a runtime configuration parameter from the device


operation ::= `hal.device.query` `<` $device `:` type($device) `>`
              `key` `(` $category `:` `` `:` $key `)`
              `:` type($ok) `,` type($value)
              (`=` $default_value^)?

Queries a device configuration parameter with the given key. Returns a status indicating whether the pair was recognized/available and if it was the value converted to the specified type. Queries must return the same value for the lifetime of the module though may vary from run to run.

This is roughly equivalent to the sysconf linux syscall ( in that the exact set of keys available and their interpretation is target-dependent.

Users of the op must check the ok result before using the value as what set of keys is available may change over time. If in doubt: don't use this. Each key used adds additional versioning and testing complexity as runtime code path changes will explode combinatorially and should be treated with as much care as a binary file format change. Keys should be prefixed with ex. when experimental indicating that they are not expected to be present forever; all non-experimental keys should be vetted.

Well-known keys:

  • :: {some id pattern} Returns 1 if the device identifier matches the given pattern string.

  • hal.executable.format :: {some format pattern} Returns 1 if the given format is supported by the device loader.

  • hal.device :: concurrency The maximum concurrently executable submissions, mapping roughly to the queue count. The actual concurrency available may be less than this based on dynamic runtime parameters such as power/thermal modes, quota limits, or user choice.

  • hal.dispatch :: concurrency The maximum concurrently executable workgroups for a particular dispatch. The actual concurrency available may be less depending on device state.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
category::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
key::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
default_value::mlir::TypedAttrTypedAttr instance
Operand Description
device device
Result Description
ok 1-bit signless integer
value any type

hal.device.queue.alloca (HAL::DeviceQueueAllocaOp)link

Allocates a queue-ordered transient buffer


operation ::= `hal.device.queue.alloca` `<` $device `:` type($device) `>`
              `affinity` `(` $queue_affinity `)`
              `wait` `(` $wait_fence `)`
              `signal` `(` $signal_fence `)`
              `pool` `(` $pool `)`
              `type` `(` $memory_types `)`
              `usage` `(` $buffer_usage `)`
              `:` custom<SizeAwareType>(type($result), $result_size)

Returns a queue-ordered transient buffer that will be available for use when the signal fence is reached. The allocation will not be made until the wait fence has been reached.

The size of the buffer returned may be larger than the requested size if the allocator has specific alignment requirements or minimum allocation sizes.

The buffer handle will remain live so long as there are retainers but the contents are undefined before the allocation signal fence has been signaled and after the deallocation wait fence has been reached.

Interfaces: OpAsmOpInterface, SizeAwareOpInterface

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
memory_typesmlir::iree_compiler::IREE::HAL::MemoryTypeBitfieldAttrvalid MemoryType
buffer_usagemlir::iree_compiler::IREE::HAL::BufferUsageBitfieldAttrvalid BufferUsage
Operand Description
device device
queue_affinity 64-bit signless integer
wait_fence fence
signal_fence fence
pool 64-bit signless integer
result_size index
Result Description
result buffer

hal.device.queue.dealloca (HAL::DeviceQueueDeallocaOp)link

Deallocates a queue-ordered transient buffer


operation ::= `hal.device.queue.dealloca` `<` $device `:` type($device) `>`
              `affinity` `(` $queue_affinity `)`
              `wait` `(` $wait_fence `)`
              `signal` `(` $signal_fence `)`
              `buffer` `(` $buffer `:` type($buffer) `)`

Deallocates a queue-ordered transient buffer. The deallocation will not be made until the wait fence has been reached and once the storage is available for reuse the signal fence will be signaled.

After deallocation the contents of the buffer may still be accessible but will have undefined contents as other operations reuse the memory.

Operand Description
device device
queue_affinity 64-bit signless integer
wait_fence fence
signal_fence fence
buffer buffer

hal.device.queue.execute.indirect (HAL::DeviceQueueExecuteIndirectOp)link

Enqueues command buffer execution


operation ::= `hal.device.queue.execute.indirect` `<` $device `:` type($device) `>`
              `affinity` `(` $queue_affinity `)`
              `wait` `(` $wait_fence `)`
              `signal` `(` $signal_fence `)`
              `commands` `(` $command_buffer `)`
              `bindings` `(` `[`
              `]` `)`

Executes a command buffer on a device queue with the given binding table. No commands will execute until the wait fence has been reached and the signal fence will be signaled when all commands have completed.

Traits: SameVariadicOperandSize

Operand Description
device device
queue_affinity 64-bit signless integer
wait_fence fence
signal_fence fence
command_buffer command_buffer
binding_buffers variadic of buffer
binding_offsets variadic of index
binding_lengths variadic of index

hal.device.queue.execute (HAL::DeviceQueueExecuteOp)link

Enqueues command buffer execution


operation ::= `hal.device.queue.execute` `<` $device `:` type($device) `>`
              `affinity` `(` $queue_affinity `)`
              `wait` `(` $wait_fence `)`
              `signal` `(` $signal_fence `)`
              (`commands` `(` `[` $command_buffers^ `]` `)`)?

Executes one or more command buffers on a device queue. The command buffers are executed in order as if they were recorded as one. No commands will execute until the wait fence has been reached and the signal fence will be signaled when all commands have completed.

Operand Description
device device
queue_affinity 64-bit signless integer
wait_fence fence
signal_fence fence
command_buffers variadic of command_buffer

hal.device.queue.flush (HAL::DeviceQueueFlushOp)link

Flushes locally-pending submissions to the queue


operation ::= `hal.device.queue.flush` `<` $device `:` type($device) `>`
              `affinity` `(` $queue_affinity `)`

Flushes any locally-pending submissions in the queue. When submitting many queue operations this can be used to eagerly flush earlier submissions while later ones are still being constructed. This may be a no-op.

Operand Description
device device
queue_affinity 64-bit signless integer (HAL::DeviceQueueReadOp)link

Reads a segment from a file into a device buffer


operation ::= `` `<` $device `:` type($device) `>`
              `affinity` `(` $queue_affinity `)`
              `wait` `(` $wait_fence `)`
              `signal` `(` $signal_fence `)`
              `source` `(` $source_file `:` type($source_file) `)`
              `` `[` $source_offset `]`
              `target` `(` $target_buffer `:` type($target_buffer) `)`
              `` `[` $target_offset `]`
              `length` `(` $length `)`
              `flags` `(` $flags `)`

Enqueues a file read operation that streams a segment of the source file defined by the source offset and length into the target HAL buffer at the specified target offset. The queue affinity should be set to where the target buffer will be consumed. The source file must have read permission and the target buffer must have transfer-target usage. Read failure will result in propagated semaphore failure or device loss.

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
flags::mlir::IntegerAttr32-bit signless integer attribute
Operand Description
device device
queue_affinity 64-bit signless integer
wait_fence fence
signal_fence fence
source_file buffer
source_offset 64-bit signless integer
target_buffer buffer
target_offset index
length index

hal.device.queue.write (HAL::DeviceQueueWriteOp)link

Writes a segment from a device buffer into a file


operation ::= `hal.device.queue.write` `<` $device `:` type($device) `>`
              `affinity` `(` $queue_affinity `)`
              `wait` `(` $wait_fence `)`
              `signal` `(` $signal_fence `)`
              `source` `(` $source_buffer `:` type($source_buffer) `)`
              `` `[` $source_offset `]`
              `target` `(` $target_file `:` type($target_file) `)`
              `` `[` $target_offset `]`
              `length` `(` $length `)`
              `flags` `(` $flags `)`

Enqueues a file write operation that streams a segment of the source HAL buffer defined by the source offset and length into the target file at the specified target offset. The queue affinity should be set to where the source buffer was produced. The source buffer must have transfer-source usage and the target file must have write permission. Write failure will result in propagated semaphore failure or device loss.

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
flags::mlir::IntegerAttr32-bit signless integer attribute
Operand Description
device device
queue_affinity 64-bit signless integer
wait_fence fence
signal_fence fence
source_buffer buffer
source_offset index
target_file buffer
target_offset 64-bit signless integer
length index

hal.device.resolve (HAL::DeviceResolveOp)link

Resolves device handles based on affinity


operation ::= `hal.device.resolve` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              attr-dict `:` type($results)


// Returns a HAL device.
= hal.device.resolve on(#something) : !hal.device
// Returns a HAL device, allocator, and (optional) queue affinity.
= hal.device.resolve on(#something) : !hal.device, !hal.allocator, i64
// Returns a HAL allocator and (optional) queue affinity.
= hal.device.resolve on(#something) : !hal.allocator, i64
// Returns "any" device. Should only be used as a fallback.
= hal.device.resolve : !hal.device

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::HAL::DeviceAffinityAttrspecifies a named device and optional queue affinity
Result Description
results variadic of device or allocator or 64-bit signless integer

hal.return (HAL::ReturnOp)link

Return from a hal.* region


operation ::= `hal.return` ($operands^ `:` type($operands))? attr-dict

Returns the given values from the region and back to the host code.

Traits: Terminator

Operand Description
operands variadic of any type

Executable opslink

Ops for !hal.executable / iree_hal_executable_t.

hal.executable.binary (HAL::ExecutableBinaryOp)link

Compiled executable binary data


operation ::= `hal.executable.binary` custom<SymbolVisibility>($sym_visibility)

A compiled executable binary with an optional nested module containing the IR prior to serialization (for debugging).

Traits: HasParent<IREE::HAL::ExecutableOp>

Interfaces: Symbol

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
sym_visibility::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
sym_name::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
format::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
data::mlir::DenseIntElementsAttr8-bit signless integer elements attribute
mime_type::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute

hal.executable.calculate_workgroups (HAL::ExecutableCalculateWorkgroupsOp)link

Calculates workgroup count from workload for an exported function


operation ::= `hal.executable.calculate_workgroups` `device` `(` $device `:` type($device) `)`
              `target` `(` $entry_point `)`
              (`workload` `(` `[` $workload^ `]` `)`)?
              `:` type($workgroup_x) `,` type($workgroup_y) `,` type($workgroup_z)

Calculates the workgroup count (grid XYZ) based on the given workload using the workgroup count calculation region of the target hal.executable.export op.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
entry_point::mlir::SymbolRefAttrsymbol reference attribute
Operand Description
device device
workload variadic of index
Result Description
workgroup_x index
workgroup_y index
workgroup_z index

hal.executable.condition (HAL::ExecutableConditionOp)link

Host code to determine if the executable is enabled

Variants are selected based on their target and this optional condition op that returns true if the variant is valid for use on the provided runtime !hal.device. If no variants within an executable are valid then loading will fail at runtime. If multiple variants are valid the first valid one found will be loaded and used for execution.

Traits: IsolatedFromAbove

Interfaces: CallableOpInterface, FunctionOpInterface, Symbol

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
function_type::mlir::TypeAttrtype attribute of function type
arg_attrs::mlir::ArrayAttrArray of dictionary attributes
res_attrs::mlir::ArrayAttrArray of dictionary attributes

hal.executable.constant.block (HAL::ExecutableConstantBlockOp)link

Executable constant block initializer

Initializes one or more constants in the executable constant block by returning one value per identified constant. Each constant block is evaluated on the host prior to instantiating the executable for a given device and allows for the executable to be specialized based on device capabilities and limits.

The keys specified are unique per variant and will be deduplicated across multiple constant blocks when present. They are only used during lowering and will not survive to runtime so they need only have descriptive enough names to avoid collisions and represent the semantics of the value.

Constant values can be loaded in the device code with the hal.executable.constant.load op:

hal.executable.variant public @target {
  hal.executable.constant.block(%device: !hal.device) -> (i32, i32) as ("foo", "bar") {
    %0 = hal.device.query<%device> key("some.device.prop")...
    %1 = hal.device.query<%device> key("another.device.prop")...
    hal.return %0, %1 : i32, i32
  builtin.module {
    func @dispatch0() {
      %0 = hal.executable.constant.load "foo" : i32
      %1 = hal.executable.constant.load "bar" : i32

Each target backend will implement the constant initialization and access in a way compatible with its execution model. Examples: - CPU: read-only buffer initialized on load and passed to each dispatch - CUDA: read-only buffer initialized on load and passed to each dispatch - SPIR-V: specialization constants - Metal: function constants - WebGPU: pipeline-overridable constants

Traits: HasParent<IREE::HAL::ExecutableSourceOp, IREE::HAL::ExecutableVariantOp>, IsolatedFromAbove

Interfaces: CallableOpInterface, FunctionOpInterface, Symbol

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
function_type::mlir::TypeAttrtype attribute of function type
keys::mlir::ArrayAttrarray attribute
arg_attrs::mlir::ArrayAttrArray of dictionary attributes
res_attrs::mlir::ArrayAttrArray of dictionary attributes

hal.executable.constant.load (HAL::ExecutableConstantLoadOp)link

Loads a constant value from the executable constant block


operation ::= `hal.executable.constant.load` $key attr-dict `:` type($result)

Loads a scalar constant value from the static executable constant block. The value provided by a constant block with the given key will be loaded and bitcast (possibly with truncation or zero-extension) to the result type.

Note that backends are allowed to implement their own mechanisms for referencing constant block values and this is provided only as a default for those not needing special behavior.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
key::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
Result Description
result index or signless integer or floating-point or complex-type

hal.executable.create (HAL::ExecutableCreateOp)link

Creates an executable


operation ::= `hal.executable.create` `device` `(` $device `:` type($device) `)`
              `target` `(` $executable_target `)`
              (`constants` `(` `[` $constants^ `]` `)`)?
              `:` type($result)

Creates a target-dependent executable cached on the provided device. Entry points contained within the executable can be dispatched using the resulting executable handle.

Depending on the driver creation may take a non-trivial amount of time (such as when JITing/etc). As the cache is internally synchronized callers can issue preparation requests from multiple threads - even for the same executables - and calls will block until preparation completes.

Optional constants provide for specialization of the executable based on runtime-derived parameters.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
executable_target::mlir::SymbolRefAttrsymbol reference attribute
Operand Description
device device
constants variadic of 32-bit signless integer
Result Description
result executable

hal.executable_end (HAL::ExecutableEndOp)link

Terminator pseudo-op for the executable op


operation ::= `hal.executable_end` attr-dict

Traits: HasParent<IREE::HAL::ExecutableOp>, Terminator

hal.executable.export (HAL::ExecutableExportOp)link

Executable entry point declaration

An entry point exported by the executable with statically-available information describing the IO interface it uses and other dispatch metadata.

The workgroup_count region represents the computation that returns the number of workgroups to use in the 3D grid dispatch. The arguments to the region represents the workload as captured by each dispatch. It returns the number of workgroups along x, y, and z.

Traits: HasParent<IREE::HAL::ExecutableSourceOp, IREE::HAL::ExecutableVariantOp>, IsolatedFromAbove

Interfaces: Symbol

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
sym_visibility::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
sym_name::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
layout::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::HAL::PipelineLayoutAttrexecutable entry point layout specification
workgroup_size::mlir::ArrayAttrindex array attribute
workgroup_local_memory::mlir::IntegerAttrindex attribute
source_locs::mlir::DictionaryAttrdictionary of named attribute values

hal.executable.export.ordinal (HAL::ExecutableExportOrdinalOp)link

Executable export ordinal lookup pseudo-op


operation ::= `hal.executable.export.ordinal` `target` `(` $entry_point `)`
              `:` type($result)

Resolves an executable export ordinal to a value once ordinals have been assigned.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
entry_point::mlir::SymbolRefAttrsymbol reference attribute
Result Description
result index

hal.executable.lookup (HAL::ExecutableLookupOp)link

Executable cache lookup pseudo-op


operation ::= `hal.executable.lookup` `device` `(` $device `:` type($device) `)`
              `executable` `(` $executable `)`
              `:` type($result)

Used during conversion to provide a placeholder for a globally cached and possibly lazy-initialized executable.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
executable::mlir::FlatSymbolRefAttrflat symbol reference attribute
Operand Description
device device
Result Description
result executable

hal.executable (HAL::ExecutableOp)link

Target-specific executable module


operation ::= `hal.executable` custom<SymbolVisibility>($sym_visibility)

An executable module representing a target-specific compiled kernel/shader/etc.

Traits: IsolatedFromAbove, SingleBlockImplicitTerminator<IREE::HAL::ExecutableEndOp>, SingleBlock, SymbolTable, Util_ObjectLike

Interfaces: Symbol

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
sym_visibility::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
sym_name::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute

hal.executable.source_end (HAL::ExecutableSourceEndOp)link

Terminator pseudo-op for the executable source op


operation ::= `hal.executable.source_end` attr-dict

Traits: HasParent<IREE::HAL::ExecutableSourceOp>, Terminator

hal.executable.source (HAL::ExecutableSourceOp)link

Generic source contents of an executable op


operation ::= `hal.executable.source` custom<SymbolVisibility>($sym_visibility)

This is an unspecialized source representation of an executable module without an assigned target. This is useful for hand-authoring executables prior to device specification.

Traits: IsolatedFromAbove, SingleBlockImplicitTerminator<IREE::HAL::ExecutableSourceEndOp>, SingleBlock, SymbolTable

Interfaces: Symbol

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
sym_visibility::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
sym_name::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
objects::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::HAL::ExecutableObjectsAttrtarget-specific object file references

hal.executable.variant_end (HAL::ExecutableVariantEndOp)link

Terminator pseudo-op for the executable variant op


operation ::= `hal.executable.variant_end` attr-dict

Traits: HasParent<IREE::HAL::ExecutableVariantOp>, Terminator

hal.executable.variant (HAL::ExecutableVariantOp)link

Target-specific variant of an executable op


operation ::= `hal.executable.variant` custom<SymbolVisibility>($sym_visibility)
              `target` `(` $target `)`
              (`objects` `(` $objects^ `)` )?
              (`sources` `(` $sources^ `)` )?

The target IR for the executable. This can be preserved for debugging but is usually removed during transformation.

Variants are selected based on their target and an optional condition op that returns true if the variant is valid for use on the provided runtime !hal.device. If no variants within an executable are valid then loading will fail at runtime. If multiple variants are valid the first valid one found will be loaded and used for execution.

Traits: HasParent<IREE::HAL::ExecutableOp>, IsolatedFromAbove, SingleBlockImplicitTerminator<IREE::HAL::ExecutableVariantEndOp>, SingleBlock, SymbolTable

Interfaces: Symbol

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
sym_visibility::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
sym_name::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
target::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::HAL::ExecutableTargetAttrgeneric executable target specification
objects::mlir::ArrayAttrHAL executable object references
sources::mlir::DictionaryAttrdictionary of named attribute values

Experimental opslink

Temporary hack ops expected to be removed in the future.

hal.ex.file.from_memory (HAL::ExFileFromMemoryOp)link

Creates a file mapped into a byte range of a host buffer


operation ::= `hal.ex.file.from_memory` `device` `(` $device `:` type($device) `)`
              `affinity` `(` $queue_affinity `)`
              `access` `(` $access `)`
              `buffer` `(` $buffer `:` type($buffer) `)`
              `` `[` $offset `for` $length `]`
              `flags` `(` $flags `)`
              `:` type($result)

Returns a file handle that is backed by the given buffer contents. Behavior is undefined if the buffer contents change while the accesses are in-flight.

Experimental as the exact interface for getting files from module contents still needs iteration. Most hardware APIs require a file descriptor or native platform handle but here we only have host pointers. When memory-mapped some systems allow for retrieval of the platform handle from a virtual address (GetMappedFileNameA/posix_mem_offset) but the APIs are sketchy and likely slow. Instead we should probably have a way to query for a file handle derived from the calling module by stack-walking and asking the VM module for its handle. Until we can figure this out this method will be marked epxerimental.

Interfaces: OpAsmOpInterface

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
accessmlir::iree_compiler::IREE::HAL::MemoryAccessBitfieldAttrvalid MemoryAccess
Operand Description
device device
queue_affinity 64-bit signless integer
buffer a reference counted byte buffer
offset index
length index
flags 32-bit signless integer
Result Description
result buffer

Fence opslink

Ops for !hal.fence / iree_hal_fence_t.

hal.fence.await (HAL::FenceAwaitOp)link

Asynchronous fence wait operation


operation ::= `hal.fence.await` `until` `(` `[` $fences `]` `)`
              `timeout_millis` `(` $timeout_millis `)`
              `:` type($status)

Yields the caller until all fences is reached. Returns the status of the fence after the wait, with a non-zero value indicating failure.

Traits: Util_YieldPoint

Interfaces: OpAsmOpInterface

Operand Description
timeout_millis 32-bit signless integer
fences variadic of fence
Result Description
status 32-bit signless integer

hal.fence.create (HAL::FenceCreateOp)link

Creates an unsignaled fence


operation ::= `hal.fence.create` `device` `(` $device `:` type($device) `)`
              `flags` `(` $flags `)`
              `:` type($result)

Returns a fence that defines a point in time. By default fences will remain unsignaled unless they are explicitly signaled with hal.fence.signal or asynchronously signaled by the device by passing them as an operand to queue submission ops.

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{MemoryEffects::Allocate on ::mlir::SideEffects::DefaultResource}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
flagsmlir::iree_compiler::IREE::HAL::FenceFlagBitfieldAttrvalid FenceFlag
Operand Description
device device
Result Description
result fence (HAL::FenceFailOp)link

Fence failure operation


operation ::= `` `<` $fence `:` type($fence) `>`
              `status` `(` $status `)`

Signals the fence with a failure. The status will be returned from each timepoint semaphores hal.semaphore.query and hal.semaphore.signal for the lifetime of each semaphore.

Operand Description
fence fence
status 32-bit signless integer

hal.fence.join (HAL::FenceJoinOp)link

Creates a fence from the given timepoints


operation ::= `hal.fence.join` `at` `(` `[` $fences `]` `)`
              `->` type($result)

Returns a fence that joins the input fences as a wait-all operation.

Interfaces: OpAsmOpInterface

Operand Description
fences variadic of fence
Result Description
result fence

hal.fence.query (HAL::FenceQueryOp)link

Fence query operation


operation ::= `hal.fence.query` `<` $fence `:` type($fence) `>`
              `:` type($status)

Queries whether the fence has been reached and its status. Returns OK if the fence has been signaled successfully, DEFERRED if it is unsignaled, and otherwise an error indicating the failure.

Operand Description
fence fence
Result Description
status 32-bit signless integer

hal.fence.signal (HAL::FenceSignalOp)link

Fence signal operation


operation ::= `hal.fence.signal` `<` $fence `:` type($fence) `>`

Signals the fence to indicate that the timepoints contained have been reached. Waiting work may begin immediately.

Operand Description
fence fence

Instrument opslink

Ops for !hal.instrument.*.

hal.instrument.memory.load (HAL::InstrumentMemoryLoadOp)link

Emits a memory load instrumentation event


operation ::= `hal.instrument.memory.load` `` `[` $buffer `:` type($buffer) `for` $workgroupKey `]`
              $base `[` $indices `]` `,` $loadValue
              attr-dict `:` type($base) `,` type($result)

Emits a workgroup-specific memory load event indicating that a number of bytes from the given resolved pointer have been loaded by the workgroup.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

Operand Description
buffer memref of any type values
workgroupKey index
loadValue any type
base memref of any type values
indices variadic of index
Result Description
result any type (HAL::InstrumentMemoryStoreOp)link

Emits a memory store instrumentation event


operation ::= `` `` `[` $buffer `:` type($buffer) `for` $workgroupKey `]`
              $base `[` $indices `]` `,` $storeValue
              attr-dict `:` type($base) `,` type($result)

Emits a workgroup-specific memory store event indicating that a number of bytes have been stored to the given resolved pointer by the workgroup.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

Operand Description
buffer memref of any type values
workgroupKey index
storeValue any type
base memref of any type values
indices variadic of index
Result Description
result any type

hal.instrument.print (HAL::InstrumentPrintOp)link

Emits a human-readable printf-style string event


operation ::= `hal.instrument.print` `` `[` $buffer `:` type($buffer) `for` $workgroupKey `]`
              $format (`*` `(` $values^ `:` type($values) `)`)?

Formats a string using a limited subset of printf format specifiers and the provided values and then emits an iree_instrument_dispatch_print_t event. Final formatted string lengths may be limited to as much as 1024 characters and should be kept as small as possible to avoid easily exceeding the instrumentation storage buffers with redundant strings.

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
format::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
Operand Description
buffer memref of any type values
workgroupKey index
values variadic of any type

hal.instrument.value (HAL::InstrumentValueOp)link

Emits a scalar value instrumentation event


operation ::= `hal.instrument.value` `` `[` $buffer `:` type($buffer) `for` $workgroupKey `]`
              $ordinal `=` $operand attr-dict `:` type($operand)

Emits a workgroup-specific typed value with the given workgroup-relative ordinal.

This op will be preserved even if the output is not used as it is only for debugging purposes.

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
ordinal::mlir::IntegerAttr8-bit integer attribute
Operand Description
buffer memref of any type values
workgroupKey index
operand any type
Result Description
result any type

hal.instrument.workgroup (HAL::InstrumentWorkgroupOp)link

Emits a dispatch workgroup instrumentation event


operation ::= `hal.instrument.workgroup` `` `[` $buffer `:` type($buffer) `]`
              `dispatch` `(` $dispatchId `)`
              attr-dict `:` type($workgroupKey)

Emits an iree_instrument_dispatch_workgroup_t event into the instrumentation stream. The workgroup event identifies the unique dispatch, its workgroup count, and the ID of the emitting workgroup within the dispatch. Optionally targets that support querying the processor ID executing the workgroup can attach that information for tracking purposes.

On targets such as CPUs where entire workgroups execute as atomic units only one workgroup event should be emitted. On targets such as GPUs where there may be multiple invocations executing as part of a single workgroup only the first invocation within the workgroup should emit the workgroup event (by checking if the LocalInvocationIndex or threadIdx == 0, etc).

The resulting workgroup key is used by subsequent workgroup-specific instrumentation events.

Operand Description
buffer memref of any type values
dispatchId 32-bit signless integer
Result Description
workgroupKey index

Interface opslink

Ops for !hal.interface.*.

hal.interface.binding.subspan (HAL::InterfaceBindingSubspanOp)link

Returns an alias to a subspan of interface binding data


operation ::= `hal.interface.binding.subspan` `layout` `(` $layout `)`
              `binding` `(` $binding `)`
              (`alignment` `(` $alignment^ `)`)?
              (`offset` `(` $byte_offset^ `)`)?
              (`flags` `(` $descriptor_flags^ `)`)?
              attr-dict `:` type($result) (`{` $dynamic_dims^ `}`)?

Returns a subspan of an interface binding storage buffer in a generic type. The exact shape, type, and alignment of the returned type are defined by the result type (tensor, memref, etc).

An optional alignment indicates the byte alignment of the base binding resource. Note that the byte offset is added to the base and the alignment will be the minimum of the two.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, AttrSizedOperandSegments

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), Util_ShapeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
layout::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::HAL::PipelineLayoutAttrexecutable entry point layout specification
binding::mlir::IntegerAttrindex attribute
alignment::mlir::IntegerAttrindex attribute
descriptor_flags::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::HAL::DescriptorFlagsAttrvalid Descriptor flags
Operand Description
byte_offset index
dynamic_dims variadic of index
Result Description
result any type

hal.interface.constant.load (HAL::InterfaceConstantLoadOp)link

Loads a constant value from the interface constant block


operation ::= `hal.interface.constant.load` `layout` `(` $layout `)`
              `ordinal` `(` $ordinal `)`
              (`alignment` `(` $alignment^ `)`)?
              (`values` `(` $values^ `)`)?
              attr-dict `:` type($result)

Loads a scalar constant value from an executable IO push constant block. The value will be loaded from the given constant offset and will be bitcast (possibly with truncation or zero-extension) to the result type.

An optional alignment indicates the byte alignment of potential values for the constant when it could be determined from analysis. If omitted the value may be anything and its interpretation is up to the usage. This is intended to provide pointer alignment-like semantics to constants that are used to index into binding resources.

An optional set of values indicates all possible values that can be passed to the constant from all dispatch sites in the program. If omitted the value may be from an unanalyzable source (outside of the program, indirect, etc) and must be assumed to have any value.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
layout::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::HAL::PipelineLayoutAttrexecutable entry point layout specification
alignment::mlir::IntegerAttrindex attribute
values::mlir::ArrayAttrarray attribute
Result Description
result index or signless integer or floating-point or complex-type

hal.interface.workgroup.count (HAL::InterfaceWorkgroupCountOp)link

Returns the total workgroup count of the grid


operation ::= `hal.interface.workgroup.count` `[` $dimension `]` attr-dict `:` type($result)

The total number of workgroups along each dimension in the dispatch grid. Matches what was passed to the hal.command_buffer.dispatch command (or what was indirectly specified).

Corresponds to the NumWorkgroups SPIR-V built-in and the gridDim CUDA built-in variable.

%x = hal.interface.workgroup.count[0] : index
%y = hal.interface.workgroup.count[1] : index
%z = hal.interface.workgroup.count[2] : index

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
dimension::mlir::IntegerAttrindex attribute
Result Description
result index (HAL::InterfaceWorkgroupIDOp)link

Returns the index of the current workgroup in the grid


operation ::= `` `[` $dimension `]` attr-dict `:` type($result)

The global workgroup ID of the current tile in the range of [0, hal.interface.workgroup.count) along each XYZ dimension.

Corresponds to the WorkgroupId SPIR-V built-in and the blockIdx CUDA built-in variable.

%x =[0] : index
%y =[1] : index
%z =[2] : index

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
dimension::mlir::IntegerAttrindex attribute
Result Description
result index

hal.interface.workgroup.size (HAL::InterfaceWorkgroupSizeOp)link

Returns the size of each workgroup in invocations


operation ::= `hal.interface.workgroup.size` `[` $dimension `]` attr-dict `:` type($result)

The number of local invocations within the current workgroup along each dimension. Depending on backend this may map to the SIMT thread count or inner loop nest parameters.

Corresponds to the WorkgroupSize SPIR-V built-in and the blockDim CUDA built-in variable.

%x = hal.interface.workgroup.size[0] : index
%y = hal.interface.workgroup.size[1] : index
%z = hal.interface.workgroup.size[2] : index

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
dimension::mlir::IntegerAttrindex attribute
Result Description
result index

Pseudo Opslink

Pseudo ops for conversion support.

hal.device.memoize (HAL::DeviceMemoizeOp)link

Memoizes resources for a particular device and queue affinity


operation ::= `hal.device.memoize` `<` $device `:` type($device) `>`
              `affinity` `(` $queue_affinity `)`
              `->` type($results)

Executes the nested region once per device and affinity mask and memoizes the results such that future references return the previously memoized values. The initial execution may happen on demand or be hoisted to module initialization time.

Any uses of the device or affinity specified within the nested region will be substituted with the appropriate device and affinity during memoization. All other implicitly captured values must be either constant or global values available at the time the memoization occurs.

It is valid for the nested region contents to be inlined in place and never memoized. This can be useful when diagnosing memoization issues and can be forced with the --iree-hal-memoization=false flag.

Traits: RecursiveMemoryEffects, SingleBlockImplicitTerminator<IREE::HAL::ReturnOp>, SingleBlock

Interfaces: RegionBranchOpInterface

Operand Description
device device
queue_affinity 64-bit signless integer
Result Description
results variadic of any type

hal.dispatch.extern (HAL::DispatchExternOp)link

A dispatch of workgroups across a 3-dimensional grid


operation ::= `hal.dispatch.extern` $export
              (`[` $workload^ `]`)? ``
              `(` $arguments `)` `:`
              type($arguments), $argument_dims,
              type($results), $result_dims,
              `count` `` custom<WorkgroupCountRegion>($workgroup_count)
              `layout` `(` $layout `)`
              `objects` `(` `{` custom<TargetConditionObjects>($targets,
              $target_regions) `}` `)`

Dispatches some number of workgroups across a 3-dimensional grid using a function defined externally in one or more referenced objects. Objects are declared per executable target and selected automatically during linking based on where the dispatch is used. Semantically this is equivalent to a flow.dispatch.workgroups but with the workgroup region invisible to the compiler. See hal.executable for more information about object linkage.

Note that since this happens at tensor level the dispatch operation has value semantics: some tensors (and optionally other primitive types) are consumed and one or more new result tensors are produced. Inside each workgroup, however, the input and output tensors are available for arbitrary loads and stores. In many cases each workgroup will load some particular tile(s) from the input tensors and store some particular tile(s) to the output tensors unique to that workgroup. Though it's possible for multiple workgroups to load the same regions of the input tensors behavior is undefined if multiple workgroups store to the same regions of the output tensors. Codegen guarantees this behavior but when sourcing externally authored dispatch functions it's critical that this behavior is observed.

Though the representation is similar to the GPU-style grid dispatch model here we still have not yet allocated buffers, determined the target device for execution, or even completed fully resolving shapes/types/etc. Because of this it's important that the workgroup body use the platform-dependent primitives for accessing workgroup ID, size, and count intrinsics instead of hardcoding them to a particular set of values. Assume that any workgroup dispatch may end up being specialized for several different target devices and even several different variants for a particular target device (differing workgroup sizes, etc). To aid deduplication code producing these external dispatches should try not to specialize early for particular shapes and instead emit the most generic code possible as having 500 slightly different hal.dispatch.extern ops pointing at the same object file is likely to require 500 copies of the object instead of 500 calls to the same object.

Because at this point in the layering devices have not yet been selected the workgroup count cannot be fully evaluated. Instead workload parameters are captured that are then passed to a function that when later evaluated computes the actual workgroup count based on target information. The workload is not limited to the 3D XYZ grid dispatch of the workgroup count and can contain any number of parameters used to compute it. If workgroup size or distribution varies based on the target device a !hal.device argument can be used by the workgroup count calculation region to factor in device parameters. See hal.device.query for more information on how to query information.

%r = hal.dispatch.extern "some_function"[%c5, %c5](%0, %1)
    : (tensor<5x5xf32>, tensor<5xf32>) -> tensor<5x5xf32>

The number of results of the operation is equal to the number of results in the type signature ((tensor<5x5xf32>, tensor<5xf32>) -> tensor<5x5xf32>). Each tensor argument and result in the type signature has a corresponding pipeline layout slot and must be declared. If multiple arguments or results share the same layout slot they can be aliased using the bindings attribute and otherwise each is assumed unique.

There are no arguments operands for results, but a result can be tied an argument by writing the argument operand's SSA value instead of its type: E.g., in the above example, -> %0 would tie the first argument to the result. In that case, there would be no separate block argument for the result.

Objects for multiple targets can be specified and the ones used are selected based on their target and an optional condition region that returns true if the variant is valid for use on the provided runtime !hal.device. If no variants within an executable are valid then loading will fail at runtime. If multiple variants are valid the first valid one found will be loaded and used for execution.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, AttrSizedOperandSegments, IsolatedFromAbove

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), TiedOpInterface, Util_ShapeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
export::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
layout::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::HAL::PipelineLayoutAttrexecutable entry point layout specification
targets::mlir::ArrayAttrarray attribute
target_ordinals::mlir::ArrayAttrArray of index ordinal attributes
target_objects::mlir::ArrayAttrarray attribute
workgroup_size::mlir::ArrayAttrindex array attribute
workgroup_local_memory::mlir::IntegerAttrindex attribute
tied_operands::mlir::ArrayAttr64-bit integer array attribute
Operand Description
workload variadic of index
arguments variadic of any type
argument_dims variadic of index
result_dims variadic of index
Result Description
results variadic of any type

hal.tensor.alias (HAL::TensorAliasOp)link

Hints that tensor storage should alias a HAL buffer view


operation ::= `hal.tensor.alias` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              (`wait` `(` $wait_fence^ `)` `=` `` `>`)?
              $source `:` type($source) (`{` $source_dims^ `}`)?
              $storage `:` type($storage)

Hints that the backing storage of an entire tensor aliases the given storage buffer. There's no guarantee that the storage will alias and instead only that the tensor contents will be written to the storage as if a copy had occurred. This allows the compiler to avoid copies in the ideal case of a producer that is able to produce directly into the target storage but still handle cases where the producer is not able to be in-place.

The storage buffer provided must have sufficient space for the tensor once encoded. Dynamically shaped tensors may not consume the entire provided storage. If a buffer view is provided the metadata is ignored and only the backing buffer is used.

An optional wait fence can be provided in cases where the storage is not immediately available. Producers that may alias the storage will wait until the storage is available before updating the contents.

Explicit aliasing side-steps any analysis that may be performed by the compiler and requires users to guarantee that the safety of the aliasing. Copy-on-write, alias analysis for overlap detection, and ordering via use-def chains are all ignorant of the aliased buffer memory and only ensure the compiler consumes or produces the aliased memory consistent with itself.


%init = tensor.empty
%value = linalg.generic ... outs(%init)
%aliased = hal.tensor.alias %value : tensor<...> to %buffer : !hal.buffer
... linalg.generic ins(%aliased) ...

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, AttrSizedOperandSegments

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), TiedOpInterface, Util_ShapeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
affinity::mlir::Attributeany attribute
Operand Description
source tensor of any type values
source_dims variadic of index
storage buffer or buffer_view
wait_fence fence
Result Description
result tensor of any type values

hal.tensor.barrier (HAL::TensorBarrierOp)link

Signals a fence when all tensors are available


operation ::= `hal.tensor.barrier` `join` `` `(` $sources `:` type($sources) `)`
              `=` `` `>`
              $signal_fence `:` type($signal_fence)

Defines a barrier that is used to indicate availability of an entire set of tensors by signaling a fence. The source tensors are returned for chaining.

Interfaces: TiedOpInterface

Operand Description
sources variadic of tensor of any type values
signal_fence fence
Result Description
results variadic of tensor of any type values

hal.tensor.export (HAL::TensorExportOp)link

Exports a tensor to a HAL buffer view


operation ::= `hal.tensor.export` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              custom<TypeAlias>($source_encoding, type($source)) (`{` $source_dims^ `}`)?

Defines an export of an SSA-form tensor to an external HAL buffer view.

The provided source_encoding, if different from the source type, indicates that the ABI-facing type may differ from the internal representation. The types must be bitcastable (same storage size) and dynamically shaped values must have the same number of dynamic dimensions. This allows for casting between rank-0 and rank-N types, different element types, etc.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), Util_ShapeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
source_encoding::mlir::TypeAttrany type attribute
name::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
affinity::mlir::Attributeany attribute
Operand Description
source tensor of any type values
source_dims variadic of index
Result Description
target buffer or buffer_view

hal.tensor.import (HAL::TensorImportOp)link

Imports a tensor from a HAL buffer view


operation ::= `hal.tensor.import` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              (`wait` `(` $wait_fence^ `)` `=` `` `>`)?
              `:` type($source) `->`
              custom<TypeAlias>($target_encoding, type($target)) (`{` $target_dims^ `}`)?

Defines an import of an external HAL buffer view into a SSA-form tensor. An optional semaphore timepoint can be specified indicating when the buffer view is available for use. If no semaphore timepoint is provided it is assumed the buffer view is immediately available.

The provided target_encoding, if different from the target type, indicates that the ABI-facing type may differ from the internal representation. The types must be bitcastable (same storage size) and dynamically shaped values must have the same number of dynamic dimensions. This allows for casting between rank-0 and rank-N types, different element types, etc.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, AttrSizedOperandSegments

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), Util_ShapeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
target_encoding::mlir::TypeAttrany type attribute
name::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
affinity::mlir::Attributeany attribute
Operand Description
source buffer or buffer_view
target_dims variadic of index
wait_fence fence
Result Description
target tensor of any type values



collective operation and specification


  CollectiveKind,   # kind
  std::optional<CollectiveReductionOp>,   # reduction
  CollectiveElementType   # element_type

Specifies the collective operation to perform and any mode bits required.

Parameter C++ type Description
kind CollectiveKind
reduction std::optional<CollectiveReductionOp>
element_type CollectiveElementType


valid DescriptorType


  ::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::HAL::DescriptorType   # value

Enum cases: * uniform_buffer (UniformBuffer) * storage_buffer (StorageBuffer)

Parameter C++ type Description
value ::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::HAL::DescriptorType an enum of type DescriptorType


specifies a named device and optional queue affinity

Specifies that an annotated operation or scope is only allowed to execute on a specific device and optionally a set of queues (0-64) provided. Operations will not run on other queues. If the queue mask is omitted then any queue on the device is allowed to execute the specified operations.


// Any queue on @device_a.
// Queues 4 and 5 on @device_b.
#hal.device.affinity<@device_b, [4, 5]>

Parameter C++ type Description
device SymbolRefAttr
queue_mask int64_t


device target named alias


  ::mlir::Type,   # type
  StringAttr,   # deviceID
  std::optional<int64_t>,   # ordinal
  DictionaryAttr   # configuration

Specifies a device target by named alias whose configuration will be expanded based on compiler configuration and flags. Any configuration provided will override any defaults provided by the configuration.


// Default `vulkan` device:
#hal.device.alias<"vulkan"> : !hal.device
// Default `vulkan` device with configuration overrides:
#hal.device.alias<"vulkan", {
  device_config = 123 : index
}> : !hal.device
// The 3rd default `vulkan` device detected at runtime (ordinal = 3):
#hal.device.alias<"vulkan"[3]> : !hal.device

Parameter C++ type Description
type ::mlir::Type
deviceID StringAttr
ordinal std::optional<int64_t>
configuration DictionaryAttr


specifies a reference to another device


  ::mlir::Type,   # type
  FlatSymbolRefAttr   # name

Specifies by symbol a device that has already been initialized. Returns null during initialization if the device specified as a fallback is null.

Parameter C++ type Description
type ::mlir::Type
name FlatSymbolRefAttr


specifies a device by runtime registration ordinal


  ::mlir::Type,   # type
  int64_t   # ordinal

Represents the device registered with the runtime in the order it was registered with ordinal 0 being the first registered. Returns null during initialization if the device ordinal is out of range.

Parameter C++ type Description
type ::mlir::Type
ordinal int64_t


promises a named device and optional queue affinity

Specifies that an annotated operation or scope is only allowed to execute on a specific device that has not yet been declared and optionally a set of queues (0-64) provided. Operations will not run on other queues. If the queue mask is omitted then any queue on the device is allowed to execute the specified operations.

This is used in input programs to assign operations to particular devices prior to the devices being declared. This allows device categories to be referenced in the program as produced from the frontend and for those device specifications to be provided later on during compilation. Verification is performed as part of the ResolveDevicePromisesPass.


// Any queue on whatever @device_a will be after declaration.
// Queues 4 and 5 on whatever @device_b will be after declaration.
#hal.device.promise<@device_b, [4, 5]>

Parameter C++ type Description
device StringAttr
queue_mask int64_t


selects a device from one or more options

  ::mlir::Type,   # type
  ArrayAttr   # devices

Selects a HAL device at runtime by either enumerating and querying for target support or matching the given existing device by affinity. Devices are selected in the order listed. Fails during initialization if no device can be selected.


// Selects a single device matching the given target.<[<"..."> : !hal.device
]> : !hal.device
// Selects a specific device with the given symbol.<[
  #hal.device.fallback<@device_0> : !hal.device
]> : !hal.device
// Selects a specific device by ordinal as registered at runtime.<[
  #hal.device.ordinal<0> : !hal.device
]> : !hal.device
// Selects an optional device if available and otherwise @fallback.<[<"some_optional_device"> : !hal.device,
  #hal.device.fallback<@fallback> : !hal.device
]> : !hal.device

Parameter C++ type Description
type ::mlir::Type
devices ArrayAttr


generic device target specification

Specifies the properties of a target runtime device. Target devices are specified with a canonical identifier matching those used by the runtime (such as cpu, vulkan, etc). Target devices may support several target executable formats specified with An optional configuration dictionary allows for overriding backend defaults.

If used to initialize a device global returns the first device matching the target requirements or null if no devices match. An optional ordinal index may be provided that selects the N-th matching device and is used to select between multiple homogeneous devices.

Example:<"local", {
  device_configuration = ...
}, [<"llvm-cpu", "embedded-elf-arm_32">,<"llvm-cpu", "embedded-elf-arm_64">,
]> : !hal.device

Parameter C++ type Description
deviceID StringAttr
configuration DictionaryAttr
executable_targets ::llvm::ArrayRef<ExecutableTargetAttr>


object file reference

Defines an object file that can be linked into executables. Today this is only supported for external file references with paths the compiler can successfully resolve from its current working directory. Inlined data can optionally be provided to avoid the need for file system access and ensure the data source is attached to the IR as it makes its way through multiple compiler stages or reproducers.

Future revisions may change this to an interface that allows both internal and external resources to define the object contents. Linking needs to be updated to support various object compositions and certain backends may require additional infrastructure support.

In the long term the goal is to allow combinations of declared objects and generated code in order to give control of linking behavior to frontends. Instead of needing global command line flags to link in additional blobs the frontend can emit executables with the dependencies already defined per variant without needing to reach into the IREE compiler code.


#hal.executable.object<{path = "some/file.obj"}>
  path = "some/embedded/file.obj",
  data = dense<[...]> : vector<2048xi8>

Parameter C++ type Description
path StringAttr
data DenseIntElementsAttr


target-specific object file references

A dictionary mapping executable target specifications to a list of objects. This is used to allow layers of the stack that support multi-targeting to specify information used during lowering into each particular target.

The key attributes are matched against each target variant based on the backend and format as well as any configuration data provided. When comparing the configuration only fields present in both the key and target variant will be checked and must match. This allows specification of generic sets ("all x86_64 targets get these objects") as well as specific ones ("only x86_64 targets with vector_size = 64 get these objects").


#hal.executable.objects<{<"llvm-cpu", "embedded-elf-arm_64"> = [
    #hal.executable.object<{path = "some/file_arm_64.obj"}>
  ],<"llvm-cpu", "embedded-elf-x86_64"> = [
    #hal.executable.object<{path = "some/file_x86_64.obj"}>

Parameter C++ type Description
targets ArrayAttr
targetObjects ArrayAttr


generic executable target specification

Specifies how to compile an executable for a specific target backend. A backend is used to translate and serialize the executable into the final form passed to the runtime. The format of the executable is a target-specific value indicating the required runtime support to load the deployed artifact. An optionally provided configuration dictionary overrides backend-specific defaults.


  // Produce a system-native ELF for x86-64 systems using the LLVM backend:<"llvm-cpu", "system-elf-x86_64", {
    triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-elf",
    cpu = "host",
    cpu_features = "host",
    abi = "lp32",

The same compilation backend may be used to translate executables for several different runtime devices. Likewise the same runtime device may use one of many different executable targets. Assume an N:M mapping between the two in all cases.

Parameter C++ type Description
backend StringAttr
format StringAttr
configuration DictionaryAttr


pipeline binding specification


  DescriptorType,   # type
  DescriptorFlags   # flags

Specifies a single binding within a pipeline layout.

Parameter C++ type Description
type DescriptorType
flags DescriptorFlags DescriptorFlags::None


executable entry point layout specification


  ::llvm::ArrayRef<PipelineBindingAttr>,   # bindings
  int64_t,   # constants
  std::optional<PipelineLayoutFlags>   # flags

Specifies the layout information used for interacting with executable functions. This allows host code to correctly map parameters to the lower-level target-specific argument passing behavior.

Parameter C++ type Description
bindings ::llvm::ArrayRef<PipelineBindingAttr>
constants int64_t 0
flags std::optional<PipelineLayoutFlags>

Type constraintslink


Allocates buffers for a particular device memory space.


A memory buffer with a specific memory_type that is used to describe the capabilities and behavior of the backing memory of the buffer. Buffers may be any mix of host-accessible, host-coherent, or device-accessible for various usages. Depending on these memory types the buffers may be mapped for access on the host as memory though certain restrictions may be imposed.


A shaped and typed buffer reference. This just wraps an existing hal.buffer with its associated metadata to make it easier to pass across ABI boundaries. In most cases buffer views can be elided entirely by the compiler and they'll only be seen when calling external functions.


Channel identifier used to allow for participation in multiple collective groups.


Asynchronous command buffer recording interface. Commands are recorded by the implementation for later submission to command queues.


Logical device instance.


Events are used for defining synchronization scopes within CommandBuffers. An event only exists within a single CommandBuffer and must not be used across CommandBuffers from the same device or others.


A prepared and ready-to-dispatch executable.


A set of semaphore timepoints defining a common point in time across multiple timelines.


A stateless file handle that can be read/written using queue-ordered transfer operations.



valid AccessScope


Symbol Value String
None 0 None
IndirectCommandRead 1 IndirectCommandRead
ConstantRead 2 ConstantRead
DispatchRead 4 DispatchRead
DispatchWrite 8 DispatchWrite
TransferRead 16 TransferRead
TransferWrite 32 TransferWrite
HostRead 64 HostRead
HostWrite 128 HostWrite
MemoryRead 256 MemoryRead
MemoryWrite 512 MemoryWrite


valid BufferUsage


Symbol Value String
None 0 None
TransferSource 1 TransferSource
TransferTarget 2 TransferTarget
Transfer 3 Transfer
DispatchIndirectParams 256 DispatchIndirectParams
DispatchUniformRead 512 DispatchUniformRead
DispatchStorageRead 1024 DispatchStorageRead
DispatchStorageWrite 2048 DispatchStorageWrite
DispatchStorage 3072 DispatchStorage
DispatchImageRead 4096 DispatchImageRead
DispatchImageWrite 8192 DispatchImageWrite
DispatchImage 12288 DispatchImage
SharingExport 65536 SharingExport
SharingReplicate 131072 SharingReplicate
SharingConcurrent 262144 SharingConcurrent
SharingImmutable 524288 SharingImmutable
MappingScoped 16777216 MappingScoped
MappingPersistent 33554432 MappingPersistent
MappingOptional 67108864 MappingOptional
MappingAccessRandom 134217728 MappingAccessRandom
MappingAccessSequentialWrite 268435456 MappingAccessSequentialWrite
Mapping 150994944 Mapping


Calling conversions for linked functions


Symbol Value String
Default 0 Default


valid CollectiveElementType


Symbol Value String
Sint8 0 si8
Uint8 1 ui8
Sint16 2 si16
Uint16 3 ui16
Sint32 4 si32
Uint32 5 ui32
Sint64 6 si64
Uint64 7 ui64
Float16 8 f16
Float32 9 f32
Float64 10 f64
BFloat16 11 bf16


valid CollectiveKind


Symbol Value String
AllGather 0 all_gather
AllReduce 1 all_reduce
AllToAll 2 all_to_all
Broadcast 3 broadcast
Reduce 4 reduce
ReduceScatter 5 reduce_scatter
Send 6 send
Recv 7 recv
SendRecv 8 send_recv


valid CollectiveReductionOp


Symbol Value String
None 0 none
ReductionSum 1 sum
ReductionProduct 2 product
ReductionMinimum 3 minimum
ReductionMaximum 4 maximum
ReductionAverage 5 average


valid CommandBufferMode


Symbol Value String
None 0 None
OneShot 1 OneShot
AllowInlineExecution 16 AllowInlineExecution


valid CommandCategory


Symbol Value String
None 0 None
Transfer 1 Transfer
Dispatch 2 Dispatch


valid Descriptor flags


Symbol Value String
None 0 None
ReadOnly 1 ReadOnly
Indirect 2 Indirect


valid dispatch flags


Symbol Value String
None 0 None
Reserved 1 Reserved


valid ExecutionBarrierFlag


Symbol Value String
None 0 None
Reserved 1 Reserved


valid ExecutionStage


Symbol Value String
None 0 None
CommandIssue 1 CommandIssue
CommandProcess 2 CommandProcess
Dispatch 4 Dispatch
Transfer 8 Transfer
CommandRetire 16 CommandRetire
Host 32 Host


valid FenceFlag


Symbol Value String
None 0 None
Reserved 1 Reserved


valid MemoryAccess


Symbol Value String
None 0 None
Read 1 Read
Write 2 Write
Discard 4 Discard
MayAlias 8 MayAlias
Unaligned 16 Unaligned
Any 32 Any


IREE HAL MemoryModel


Symbol Value String
Unified 0 Unified
Discrete 1 Discrete


valid MemoryType


Symbol Value String
None 0 None
Optimal 1 Optimal
HostVisible 2 HostVisible
HostCoherent 4 HostCoherent
HostCached 8 HostCached
HostLocal 70 HostLocal
DeviceVisible 16 DeviceVisible
DeviceLocal 48 DeviceLocal


valid PipelineLayout flags


Symbol Value String
None 0 None
Indirect 1 Indirect


valid DescriptorType


Symbol Value String
UniformBuffer 6 uniform_buffer
StorageBuffer 7 storage_buffer