iOS cross-compilationlink
Cross-compilation for iOS consists of the two steps below.
- On the macOS host, build the IREE compiler. We can run it to create IREE modules.
- Build the IREE runtime on the macOS host for iOS devices and the simulator. We can then run the IREE module on the simulator.
Install Xcode and iOS SDKlink
For cross-compilation, you need
Xcode. It comes with the SDKs
for iOS devices and the simulator, as well as the simctl
tool for
controlling the simulator from the command line.
Host environment setuplink
On your host platform, you should already be able to build IREE from source. Please make sure you've gone through the steps in getting started.
Configure and buildlink
Build the IREE compiler for the Hostlink
Build and install on your macOS host:
cmake -S . -B ../iree-build/ -GNinja \
cmake --build ../iree-build/ --target install
Cross-compile the IREE runtime for iOSlink
Build the runtime for the iOS Simulator.
cmake -S . -B ../build-ios-sim -GNinja \
-DCMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT=$(xcodebuild -version -sdk iphonesimulator Path) \
-DIREE_HOST_BIN_DIR="$PWD/../iree-build/install/bin" \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../build-ios-sim/install \
cmake --build ../build-ios-sim --config Release --target install
Or, we can build the runtime for iOS devices it by changing the value
option to:
-DCMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT=$(xcodebuild -version -sdk iphoneos Path)
Running IREE modules on the iOS Simulatorlink
Run the IREE compiler on the host to generate a module.
../iree-build/install/bin/iree-compile \
--iree-hal-target-device=local \
--iree-hal-local-target-device-backends=vmvx \
samples/models/simple_abs.mlir \
-o /tmp/simple_abs_vmvx.vmfb
We could test the generated module by running the macOS version of
on the host.
../iree-build/install/bin/iree-run-module \
--module=/tmp/simple_abs_vmvx.vmfb \
--device=local-task \
--function=abs \
To run it on the iOS simulator, we need to copy the vmfb file into the
iOS app bundle.
cp /tmp/simple_abs_vmvx.vmfb \
Open the iOS Simulator Manager on the host.
open -a Simulator
After creating and booting a simulator in this app, you can list it from the command-line.
xcrun simctl list devices | grep Booted
This is what should come out of the command:
iPhone 14 Pro (12341234-ABCD-ABCD-ABCD-123412341234) (Booted)
where iPhone 14 Pro
is the device being simulated and
is the simulator's unique
device ID (UDID).
Install the app iree-run-module
on the simulator, given its UDID.
xcrun simctl install <UDID> ../build-ios-sim/install/bin/
Check the path to the installed bundle, where the
module should be found.
ls $(xcrun simctl get_app_container <UDID> dev.iree.iree-run-module)
The string dev.iree.iree-run-module
is the bundle identifier of
the iOS app. The CMake building process generates it and saves it in
the property list (plist) file
Launch the iree-run-module
app on the simulator to run the IREE
module simple_abs_vmvx.vmfb
xcrun simctl launch --console \
<UDID> \
dev.iree.runmodule \
--device=local-task \
--function=abs \
--input="f32=-5" \
--module=$(xcrun simctl get_app_container <UDID> dev.iree.iree-run-module)/simple_abs_vmvx.vmfb