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'stream' Dialectlink

A dialect designed to model execution partitioning and scheduling.

The stream dialect is designed to take tensor programs and convert them to explicitly scheduled asynchronous programs. This includes placing ops on specific targets, partitioning the work between the targets, scheduling the work for concurrency, and encoding tensors into target-specific resources.

+--------+    +----------+    +-------+
| flow.* | -> | stream.* | -> | hal.* |
+--------+    +----------+    +-------+

This sits in-between the flow and hal dialects.

  • flow models tensor programs by separating work into dispatchable functions in order to isolate the main host program data flow and the dense tensor compute operations.

  • stream models explicitly scheduled asynchronous programs by partitioning the dispatchable work, specifying target affinities, encoding tensors into target-specific forms, and scheduling the work to run concurrently.

  • hal models a low-level hardware abstraction layer used to manage buffers and issue asynchronous work across a variety of device types. The dialect is largely 1:1 with the IREE HAL C API.

Transforms in the dialect lower tensor values into opaque resources with the goal of ensuring no tensors survive in the IR. At entry stream.tensor.* ops are used to capture the source tensor encoding information (data type, shapes, etc) and then lowered into stream.async.* ops that model the asynchronous workloads on the opaque resources. The asynchronous operations are then partitioned, allocated, and scheduled for execution using the stream.cmd.* ops.

It's intended that after transformation through the stream dialect the program is ready for execution on an abstract machine. At this level of representation buffers have still not been allocated and devices are not yet resolved, however the information captured in the stream IR allows such operations to be done trivially. To this end all ops carry the symbolic size of the resources on which they operate as well as the lifetime of the resources they are acting upon. This manifests in the usage of the !stream.resource type:

// Unresolved lifetime (resolved during the iree-stream-refine-usage pass):
// An externally managed value (passed in via the program API).
// A staging buffer for uploads/downloads.
// A short-lived value that is used across streams.
// A long-lived value that persists across streams in globals.
// An immutable value that persists for the duration of the program.

Operations using resources carry the size of all operand result resources:

// %update (40 bytes) is being inserted into %target (296 bytes).
// Can be dynamic values such as those originating from dynamic dimensions.
%13 = stream.async.update %update, %target[%c256 to %c296] :
    !stream.resource<transient>{%c40} ->
    %target as !stream.resource<transient>{%c296}

Once all stream.async.* work is moved into executable regions (such as stream.async.execute) !stream.timepoint values are used to sequence the execution. These timepoints represent some point in time where all execution up to that timepoint has completed and any results that were produced by the execution are available for use. Attempting to use the resources before their corresponding timepoint has been reached will lead to undefined behavior. The benefit of this is that after timepoints are established in the IR it's possible to induce aliasing of resources without breaking execution correctness.


Async control flow opslink (Stream::AsyncCallOp)link

Calls a streamable external host function


operation ::= `` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              $callee ``
              $resource_operand_lengths) attr-dict `:`
              type($resource_operands), $resource_operand_sizes,
              type($results), $result_sizes,

Calls a function taking/returning resource values with stream semantics. Asynchronous calls must have no side-effects.

Note that returned resources must have their sizes declared prior to the call as this is what allows the call to be made on the stream. If external host logic is required to compute the size (avoid at all costs!) a separate can be used outside of the stream to do so. If sizes are unknownable until the operation is performed it should be made as a normal asynchronous host call with 'coarse-fences' instead.

Traits: AttrSizedOperandSegments, Stream_AsyncPhaseOp

Interfaces: AsyncAccessOpInterface, CallOpInterface, Stream_AffinityOp, Stream_StreamableOp, SymbolUserOpInterface, TiedOpInterface, Util_SizeAwareOp

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
callee::mlir::FlatSymbolRefAttrflat symbol reference attribute
tied_operands::mlir::ArrayAttr64-bit integer array attribute
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
resource_operands variadic of resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource or index or integer or floating-point or complex-type or any type
resource_operand_sizes variadic of index
resource_operand_offsets variadic of index
resource_operand_ends variadic of index
resource_operand_lengths variadic of index
result_sizes variadic of index
Result Description
results variadic of resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource or index or integer or floating-point or complex-type

stream.async.concurrent (Stream::AsyncConcurrentOp)link

Executes all ops concurrently


operation ::= `stream.async.concurrent` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              `with` ``
              type($resource_operands), $resource_operand_sizes,
              type($results), $result_sizes,
              $tied_operands, $body)

Represents a wave of work scheduled concurrently (each op executing at the same time). All resource inputs must be captured explicitly. All results are only ready once all nested ops complete execution.

Waves can be nested to create a DAG. For example, take the following graph:

+-------|-------+   +-------|-------+
|    v--+--v    |   |    v--+--v    |
| +----+ +----+ |   | +----+ +----+ |
| | %a | | %b | |   | | %c | | %d | |
| +----+ +----+ |   | +----+ +----+ |
|    +--v--+    |   |    +--v--+    |
+-------|-------+   +-------|-------+

Represented with nested waves:

  %0 = stream.async.concurrent with(%arg) -> ... {
    %1 = stream.async.concurrent with(%arg as %arg0) -> ... {
      %a = ...
      %b = ...
      stream.yield %a, %b
    %2 = stream.async.concurrent with(%arg as %arg1) -> ... {
      %c = ...
      %d = ...
      stream.yield %c, %d
    stream.yield %1, %2

Traits: AttrSizedOperandSegments, HasParent<IREE::Stream::AsyncExecuteOp, IREE::Stream::AsyncConcurrentOp>, RecursiveMemoryEffects, SingleBlockImplicitTerminator<IREE::Stream::YieldOp>, SingleBlock, Stream_AsyncPhaseOp

Interfaces: AsyncAccessOpInterface, ClosureOpInterface, RegionBranchOpInterface, Stream_AffinityOp, Stream_StreamableOp, TiedOpInterface, Util_SizeAwareOp

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
tied_operands::mlir::ArrayAttr64-bit integer array attribute
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
resource_operands variadic of resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource or staging resource
resource_operand_sizes variadic of index
result_sizes variadic of index
Result Description
results variadic of resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource or staging resource

stream.async.execute (Stream::AsyncExecuteOp)link

Executes a dependency-aware sequence of streamable ops


operation ::= `stream.async.execute` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              (`await` `(` $await_timepoint^ `)` `=` `` `>`)?
              `with` ``
              type($resource_operands), $resource_operand_sizes,
              type($results), $result_sizes,
              $tied_operands, $body)
              `=` `` `>` type($result_timepoint)

Evaluates the operations within the region by dependency order while obeying ties when present. Nested ops execute serially in block order and nested stream.async.concurrent ops can be used to run multiple ops concurrently within the stream. All resource inputs must be captured explicitly. All results are only ready once all nested ops complete execution and the returned timepoint is reached. Zero or more timepoints may be provided to block execution until they are all reached; zero timepoints indicates that execution may begin immediately.

Traits: AttrSizedOperandSegments, RecursiveMemoryEffects, SingleBlockImplicitTerminator<IREE::Stream::YieldOp>, SingleBlock, Stream_AsyncPhaseOp

Interfaces: AsyncAccessOpInterface, ClosureOpInterface, RegionBranchOpInterface, Stream_AffinityOp, Stream_TimelineOp, TiedOpInterface, Util_SizeAwareOp

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
tied_operands::mlir::ArrayAttr64-bit integer array attribute
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
resource_operands variadic of resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource or staging resource
resource_operand_sizes variadic of index
result_sizes variadic of index
await_timepoint a timepoint indicating execution availability
Result Description
results variadic of resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource or staging resource
result_timepoint a timepoint indicating execution availability

stream.async.func (Stream::AsyncFuncOp)link

Streamable function declaration


operation ::= `stream.async.func` custom<SymbolVisibility>($sym_visibility)

Declares a function that can be called as an asynchronous streaming operation via Today only external functions are allowed.

Traits: IsolatedFromAbove, Stream_AsyncPhaseOp

Interfaces: CallableOpInterface, FunctionOpInterface, Symbol

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
sym_name::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
function_type::mlir::TypeAttrtype attribute of function type
tied_operands::mlir::ArrayAttr64-bit integer array attribute
sym_visibility::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
arg_attrs::mlir::ArrayAttrArray of dictionary attributes
res_attrs::mlir::ArrayAttrArray of dictionary attributes

Async opslink

stream.async.alloca (Stream::AsyncAllocaOp)link

Allocates a transient value with undefined contents


operation ::= `stream.async.alloca` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              attr-dict `:` type($result) `{` $storage_size `}`

Allocates a transient value (one that is short-lived and local to the current computation) with undefined contents. Consumers of the allocated result must assume nothing of the contents and use discard access.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, Stream_AsyncPhaseOp

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, MemoryEffectOpInterface (MemoryEffectOpInterface), Stream_AffinityOp, StreamableOpInterface, Util_SizeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{MemoryEffects::Allocate on ::mlir::SideEffects::DefaultResource}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
storage_size index
Result Description
result resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource

stream.async.clone (Stream::AsyncCloneOp)link

Clones the contents of a value


operation ::= `stream.async.clone` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              $source `:`
              type($source) `` `{` $source_size `}` `->`
              type($result) `` `{` $result_size `}`

Clones the contents of a value at a snapshot in time. Future changes to the cloned value will not effect the result. Acts as a copy-on-write operation.

Traits: Stream_AsyncPhaseOp

Interfaces: AsyncAccessOpInterface, Stream_AffinityOp, StreamableOpInterface, Util_SizeAwareOp

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
source resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource
source_size index
result_size index
Result Description
result resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource

stream.async.collective (Stream::AsyncCollectiveOp)link

Performs a collective operation


operation ::= `stream.async.collective` `` $op `` `[` $element_count `]`
              (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              `channel` `(` $channel `)`
              custom<CollectiveParam>(ref($op), $param) ``
              $source `[` $source_offset `to` $source_end `for` $source_length `]` `,`
              $target `[` $target_offset `to` $target_end `for` $target_length `]` `:`
              type($source) `` `{` $source_size `}` `->`
              custom<ShapedTiedResult>(type($target), $target_size)

TODO: document different usage. For now this should be considered a prototype and that modeling of collective operations may change in the future to better ensure in-place operations (where send/recv is a subset of recv/send). We may have dedicated operations for the send and recv verbs as they have sequencing implications - or we could add optional sequencing to this base op.

Traits: Stream_AsyncPhaseOp

Interfaces: AsyncAccessOpInterface, InferTypeOpInterface, Stream_AffinityOp, Stream_StreamableOp, TiedOpInterface, Util_SizeAwareOp

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
op::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::CollectiveAttrcollective operation and specification
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
target resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource
target_size index
target_offset index
target_end index
target_length index
source resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource
source_size index
source_offset index
source_end index
source_length index
element_count index
channel a collective communication channel
param 32-bit signless integer
Result Description
result resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource

stream.async.constant (Stream::AsyncConstantOp)link

Defines a constant resource


operation ::= `stream.async.constant` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              type($result) `` `{` $result_size `}`

Returns a new resource with the given constant value.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, Stream_AsyncPhaseOp

Interfaces: AsyncAccessOpInterface, ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface, Stream_AffinityOp, StreamableOpInterface, Util_SizeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
value::mlir::Attributeany attribute
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
result_size index
Result Description
result resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource

stream.async.copy (Stream::AsyncCopyOp)link

Copies a subview of a stream resource to another


operation ::= `stream.async.copy` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              $source `[` $source_offset `to` $source_end `]` `,`
              $target `[` $target_offset `to` $target_end `]` `,`
              $length `:`
              type($source) `` `{` $source_size `}` `->`
              custom<ShapedTiedResult>(type($target), $target_size)

Copies a subview of a resource into a subview of another. As with memcpy this does not support overlapping updates into the same resource. Unlike stream.async.update copy sources cannot be allocated in-place.

Equivalent to a stream.async.slice + stream.async.update.

Traits: Stream_AsyncPhaseOp

Interfaces: AsyncAccessOpInterface, InferTypeOpInterface, Stream_AffinityOp, Stream_StreamableOp, TiedOpInterface, Util_SizeAwareOp

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
target resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource
target_size index
target_offset index
target_end index
source resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource
source_size index
source_offset index
source_end index
length index
Result Description
result resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource

stream.async.dispatch (Stream::AsyncDispatchOp)link

Dispatches a parallelized grid of work


operation ::= `stream.async.dispatch` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              (`[` $workload^ `]`)? ``
              $resource_operand_lengths) attr-dict `:`
              type($resource_operands), $resource_operand_sizes,
              type($results), $result_sizes,

Calls the specified entry point function once for each element in the specified workgroup count. Each workgroup has access to the same operands and results and is able to load/store at will.

Traits: AttrSizedOperandSegments, Stream_AsyncPhaseOp

Interfaces: AsyncAccessOpInterface, Stream_AffinityOp, Stream_StreamableOp, SymbolUserOpInterface, TiedOpInterface, Util_SizeAwareOp

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
entry_points::mlir::ArrayAttrsymbol ref array attribute
tied_operands::mlir::ArrayAttr64-bit integer array attribute
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
workload variadic of index
resource_operands variadic of resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource or index or integer or floating-point or complex-type
resource_operand_sizes variadic of index
resource_operand_offsets variadic of index
resource_operand_ends variadic of index
resource_operand_lengths variadic of index
result_sizes variadic of index
Result Description
results variadic of resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource

stream.async.fill (Stream::AsyncFillOp)link

Fills a subview of a stream resource with a value


operation ::= `stream.async.fill` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              $value `,`
              $target `[` $target_offset `to` $target_end `for` $target_length `]` `:`
              type($value) `->`
              custom<ShapedTiedResult>(type($target), $target_size)

Splats a value into a subview of the given stream resource and returns the resource with the update applied.

Equivalent to a stream.async.splat + stream.async.update.

Traits: Stream_AsyncPhaseOp

Interfaces: AsyncAccessOpInterface, InferTypeOpInterface, Stream_AffinityOp, Stream_StreamableOp, TiedOpInterface, Util_SizeAwareOp

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
target resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource
target_size index
target_offset index
target_end index
target_length index
value 8-bit signless integer or 16-bit signless integer or 32-bit signless integer or 64-bit signless integer
Result Description
result resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource

stream.async.load (Stream::AsyncLoadOp)link

Loads a value from a resource


operation ::= `stream.async.load` $source `[` $source_offset `]` `:`
              type($source) `` `{` $source_size `}`

Returns the element at the given location from within the resource.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, Stream_AsyncPhaseOp

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), Util_SizeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

Operand Description
source staging resource
source_size index
source_offset index
Result Description
result index or integer or floating-point or complex-type or vector of any type values

stream.async.slice (Stream::AsyncSliceOp)link

Slices out a cloned subview of a value


operation ::= `stream.async.slice` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              $source `[` $source_offset `to` $source_end `]` `:`
              type($source) `` `{` $source_size `}` `->`
              type($result) `` `{` $result_size `}`

Slices a subrange of a stream resource based on a byte range. Acts as a copy-on-write operation.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, Stream_AsyncPhaseOp

Interfaces: AsyncAccessOpInterface, ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), Stream_AffinityOp, Stream_StreamableOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
source resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource
source_size index
source_offset index
source_end index
result_size index
Result Description
result resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource

stream.async.splat (Stream::AsyncSplatOp)link

Splats a value into a resource


operation ::= `stream.async.splat` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              $value `:` type($value) `->` type($result) `` `{` $result_size `}`

Returns a new resource with the given primitive value splatted out to fill the entire contents.

Traits: Stream_AsyncPhaseOp

Interfaces: AsyncAccessOpInterface, Stream_AffinityOp, StreamableOpInterface, Util_SizeAwareOp

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
value 8-bit signless integer or 16-bit signless integer or 32-bit signless integer or 64-bit signless integer
result_size index
Result Description
result resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource (Stream::AsyncStoreOp)link

Stores a value into a resource


operation ::= `` $value `,`
              $target `[` $target_offset `]` `:`
              custom<ShapedTiedResult>(type($target), $target_size)

Returns a resource with the element at the given offset set to the given value.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, Stream_AsyncPhaseOp

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), TiedOpInterface, Util_SizeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

Operand Description
target staging resource
target_size index
target_offset index
value index or integer or floating-point or complex-type or vector of any type values
Result Description
result staging resource

stream.async.transfer (Stream::AsyncTransferOp)link

Transfers a resource from one location/state to another


operation ::= `stream.async.transfer` $source `:` type($source)
              `` `{` $source_size `}`
              (`from` `(` $source_affinity^ `)`)?
              (`to` `(` $result_affinity^ `)`)?
              type($result) `` `{` $result_size `}`

Transfers a resource between different states (such as a staging lifetime to a local lifetime) or different affinities. This is roughly equivalent to a cast but may have special semantics when later lowered to one or more devices with discrete memory spaces or pools.

Traits: Stream_AsyncPhaseOp

Interfaces: AffinityOpInterface, AsyncAccessOpInterface, Stream_StreamableOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
source_affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
result_affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
source resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource or staging resource
source_size index
result_size index
Result Description
result resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource or staging resource

stream.async.update (Stream::AsyncUpdateOp)link

Updates a slice of a subview of a resource in-place


operation ::= `stream.async.update` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              $update `,`
              $target `[` $target_offset `to` $target_end `]` `:`
              type($update) `` `{` $update_size `}` `->`
              custom<ShapedTiedResult>(type($target), $target_size)

Copies a value into a resource based on a byte range. The returned value is the entire updated target value. Updates can be turned into placement allocations and avoid copies.

Traits: Stream_AsyncPhaseOp

Interfaces: AsyncAccessOpInterface, InferTypeOpInterface, Stream_AffinityOp, Stream_StreamableOp, TiedOpInterface, Util_SizeAwareOp

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
target resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource
target_size index
target_offset index
target_end index
update resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource
update_size index
Result Description
result resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource

Channel opslink (Stream::ChannelCountOp)link

Returns the total number of participants in the group


operation ::= `` $channel `:` type($result)

Returns the total participant count in the collective communicator group.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

Operand Description
channel a collective communication channel
Result Description
result index (Stream::ChannelCreateOp)link

Creates a new channel for collective communication


operation ::= `` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              (`id` `(` $id^ `)`)?
              (`group` `(` $group^ `)`)?
              (`rank` `(` $rank^ `)`)?
              (`count` `(` $count^ `)`)?
              `:` type($result)

Returns a new channel with the given rank associated with the specified affinity. Collective operations using this channel must only be submitted on compatible affinities.

The group and ID are optional and may be null. The rank and count can be omitted to indicate a default inherited from the environment or device configuration at runtime.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, AttrSizedOperandSegments

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface, Stream_AffinityOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
group::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
id a reference counted byte buffer
rank index
count index
Result Description
result a collective communication channel (Stream::ChannelRankOp)link

Returns the rank of the local participant in the group


operation ::= `` $channel `:` type($result)

Returns the rank the channel represents as a participant in a collective group in [0, count).

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

Operand Description
channel a collective communication channel
Result Description
result index (Stream::ChannelSplitOp)link

Splits a collective communication channel


operation ::= `` $channel `,` $color `,` $key
              `:` type($channel) `->` type($result)

Partitions the group associated with the given channel into disjoint subgroups for each unique value of color. Each new subgroup contains all participants of the same color and within each subgroup the key argument is used to define the rank order. When multiple participants in a group use the same key the tie will be broken using their rank in the parent group. A color of -1 indicates that the rank does not participate in any subgroup and will return a null channel.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

Operand Description
channel a collective communication channel
color index
key index
Result Description
result a collective communication channel

Executable opslink

stream.binding.subspan (Stream::BindingSubspanOp)link

Returns an alias to a subspan of interface binding data


operation ::= `stream.binding.subspan` $binding `` `[` $byte_offset `]`
              attr-dict `:` type($binding) `->` type($result) (`{` $dynamic_dims^ `}`)?

Returns a subview to a tensor or memref-like type from a binding. The same binding may have multiple subviews at different byte offsets.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), Util_ShapeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

Operand Description
binding a managed resource binding into an executable scope
byte_offset index
dynamic_dims variadic of index
Result Description
result any type

stream.dispatch.workgroup.count (Stream::DispatchWorkgroupCountOp)link

Returns the total workgroup count of the grid


operation ::= `stream.dispatch.workgroup.count` `[` $dimension `]` attr-dict `:` type($result)

The total number of workgroups along each dimension in the dispatch grid.

Represented as a 3D grid classically written as XYZ. Corresponds to the NumWorkgroups SPIR-V built-in and the gridDim CUDA built-in variable.

%x = stream.dispatch.workgroup.count[0] : index
%y = stream.dispatch.workgroup.count[1] : index
%z = stream.dispatch.workgroup.count[2] : index

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
dimension::mlir::IntegerAttrindex attribute
Result Description
result index (Stream::DispatchWorkgroupIDOp)link

Returns the index of the current workgroup in the grid


operation ::= `` `[` $dimension `]` attr-dict `:` type($result)

The global workgroup ID of the current workgroup in the range of [0, stream.dispatch.workgroup.count) along each dimension.

Represented as a 3D grid classically written as XYZ. Corresponds to the WorkgroupId SPIR-V built-in and the blockIdx CUDA built-in variable.

%x =[0] : index
%y =[1] : index
%z =[2] : index

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
dimension::mlir::IntegerAttrindex attribute
Result Description
result index

stream.dispatch.workgroup.size (Stream::DispatchWorkgroupSizeOp)link

Returns the size of each workgroup in invocations


operation ::= `stream.dispatch.workgroup.size` `[` $dimension `]` attr-dict `:` type($result)

The number of local invocations within the current workgroup along each dimension. Depending on backend this may map to the SIMT thread count or inner loop nest parameters.

Workgroup sizes are not determined at the stream dialect level as they are dependent on the target backend determined when lowering into the HAL. It's still possible to use the symbolic workgroup size inside of dispatch executables as a placeholder for the resolved value once in the HAL.

Represented as a 3D grid classically written as XYZ. Corresponds to the WorkgroupSize SPIR-V built-in and the blockDim CUDA built-in variable.

%x = stream.dispatch.workgroup.size[0] : index
%y = stream.dispatch.workgroup.size[1] : index
%z = stream.dispatch.workgroup.size[2] : index

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
dimension::mlir::IntegerAttrindex attribute
Result Description
result index

stream.executable.end (Stream::ExecutableEndOp)link

Terminator pseudo-op for the executable op


operation ::= `stream.executable.end` attr-dict

Traits: HasParent<IREE::Stream::ExecutableOp>, Terminator

stream.executable.export (Stream::ExecutableExportOp)link

Defines an executable entry point for dispatch operations


operation ::= `stream.executable.export` custom<SymbolVisibility>($sym_visibility)
              custom<SymbolAlias>($sym_name, $function_ref)

Specifies an exported function with an externally-visible alias. Multiple exports can reference the same internal function.

Each entry point can have a unique workgroup count calculation region. This region takes the workload parameters passed to each flow.dispatch and produces an XYZ workgroup count for the 3D grid dispatch.

Traits: HasParent<IREE::Stream::ExecutableOp>, IsolatedFromAbove

Interfaces: Symbol

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
sym_visibility::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
sym_name::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
function_ref::mlir::FlatSymbolRefAttrflat symbol reference attribute

stream.executable (Stream::ExecutableOp)link

Generic executable module


operation ::= `stream.executable` custom<SymbolVisibility>($sym_visibility)

An executable module containing one or more public functions. The contents of the functions are safe to dispatch and can be lowered further to target-specific backend IR representations.

Traits: IsolatedFromAbove, SingleBlockImplicitTerminator<IREE::Stream::ExecutableEndOp>, SingleBlock, SymbolTable, Util_ObjectLike

Interfaces: Symbol

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
sym_visibility::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
sym_name::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute

Execution context opslink

Operations for interacting with the execution context that stream operations execute within.

stream.context.resolve (Stream::ContextResolveOp)link

Resolves low-level context resources based on type


operation ::= `stream.context.resolve` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              attr-dict `:` type($results)

WIP; allows for accessing the implementation details of lower-level dialects such as the HAL. This will likely be reworked in the future to either live inside other dialects, use some op interface instead of having a dedicated op here, or remove the op entirely and make resolution happen explicitly.


// Returns a HAL device.
= stream.context.resolve on(#something) : !hal.device
// Returns a HAL device and (optional) queue affinity.
= stream.context.resolve on(#something) : !hal.device, i64
// Returns a HAL allocator and (optional) queue affinity.
= stream.context.resolve on(#something) : !hal.allocator, i64

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), Stream_AffinityOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Result Description
results variadic of any type

Explicit command opslink (Stream::CmdCallOp)link

Calls a streamable external host function


operation ::= `` $callee ``
              $resource_operand_accesses) attr-dict `:`

Calls a function operating on resource values with stream semantics. Asynchronous calls must have no side-effects.

Traits: AttrSizedOperandSegments, Stream_CmdPhaseOp

Interfaces: CallOpInterface, Stream_StreamableOp, Stream_SubviewEffectOp, SymbolUserOpInterface, Util_SizeAwareOp

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
callee::mlir::FlatSymbolRefAttrflat symbol reference attribute
tied_operands::mlir::ArrayAttr64-bit integer array attribute
resource_operand_accesses::mlir::ArrayAttraccess array attribute
Operand Description
resource_operands variadic of index or integer or floating-point or complex-type or resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource or any type
resource_operand_sizes variadic of index
resource_operand_offsets variadic of index
resource_operand_lengths variadic of index
result_sizes variadic of index
Result Description
results variadic of index or integer or floating-point or complex-type

stream.cmd.collective (Stream::CmdCollectiveOp)link

Dispatches a collective operation


operation ::= `stream.cmd.collective` `` $op `` `[` $element_count `]`
              `channel` `(` $channel `)`
              (`param` `(` $param^ `:` type($param) `)`)? `{`
              custom<DispatchResources>($resources, type($resources), $resource_sizes,
              $resource_offsets, $resource_lengths,
              `\n` `}`

Dispatches a collective operation specified against the device. If grouped with other collectives in a stream.cmd.concurrent region the collective operations may fuse and execute more efficiently.

Traits: AttrSizedOperandSegments, Stream_CmdPhaseOp

Interfaces: Stream_StreamableOp, Stream_SubviewEffectOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
op::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::CollectiveAttrcollective operation and specification
resource_accesses::mlir::ArrayAttraccess array attribute
Operand Description
channel a collective communication channel
element_count index
param 32-bit signless integer
resources variadic of resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource
resource_sizes variadic of index
resource_offsets variadic of index
resource_lengths variadic of index

stream.cmd.concurrent (Stream::CmdConcurrentOp)link

Executes all ops concurrently


operation ::= `stream.cmd.concurrent` $body

Represents a wave of work scheduled concurrently (each op executing at the same time).

Waves can be nested to create a DAG. For example, take the following graph:

+-------|-------+   +-------|-------+
|    v--+--v    |   |    v--+--v    |
| +----+ +----+ |   | +----+ +----+ |
| | @a | | @b | |   | | @c | | @d | |
| +----+ +----+ |   | +----+ +----+ |
|    +--v--+    |   |    +--v--+    |
+-------|-------+   +-------|-------+

Represented with nested waves:

  stream.cmd.concurrent {
    stream.cmd.concurrent {
      stream.cmd.dispatch @a
      stream.cmd.dispatch @b
    stream.cmd.concurrent {
      stream.cmd.dispatch @c
      stream.cmd.dispatch @d

Traits: HasParent<IREE::Stream::CmdExecuteOp, IREE::Stream::CmdSerialOp, IREE::Stream::CmdConcurrentOp>, RecursiveMemoryEffects, SingleBlockImplicitTerminator<IREE::Stream::YieldOp>, SingleBlock, Stream_CmdPhaseOp

Interfaces: RegionBranchOpInterface, Stream_StreamableOp

stream.cmd.copy (Stream::CmdCopyOp)link

Copies a subview of a stream resource to another


operation ::= `stream.cmd.copy` $source `[` $source_offset `]` `,`
              $target `[` $target_offset `]` `,`
              $length `:`
              type($source) `` `{` $source_size `}` `->`
              type($target) `` `{` $target_size `}`

Copies a subview of a resource into a subview of another. As with memcpy this does not support overlapping updates into the same resource.

Traits: Stream_CmdPhaseOp

Interfaces: Stream_StreamableOp, Stream_SubviewEffectOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

Operand Description
source any stream-compatible type
source_size index
source_offset index
target any stream-compatible type
target_size index
target_offset index
length index

stream.cmd.discard (Stream::CmdDiscardOp)link

Discards a subview of a resource


operation ::= `stream.cmd.discard` $target `[` $target_offset `for` $target_length `]` `:`
              type($target) `` `{` $target_size `}`

Discards a subview of a resource, indicating that after this command the specified contents are no longer needed. This can be used to trim memory or invalidate caches.

Traits: Stream_CmdPhaseOp

Interfaces: Stream_StreamableOp, Stream_SubviewEffectOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

Operand Description
target any stream-compatible type
target_size index
target_offset index
target_length index

stream.cmd.dispatch (Stream::CmdDispatchOp)link

Dispatches a parallelized grid of work


operation ::= `stream.cmd.dispatch` custom<DispatchEntryPoints>($entry_points)
              (`[` $workload^ `]`)? ``
              (`(` $uniform_operands^ `:` type($uniform_operands) `)`)? `{`
              custom<DispatchResources>($resources, type($resources), $resource_sizes,
              $resource_offsets, $resource_lengths,
              `\n` `}`

Calls the specified entry point function once for each element in the specified workgroup count. Each workgroup has access to the same operands and results and is able to load/store at will.

Traits: AttrSizedOperandSegments, Stream_CmdPhaseOp

Interfaces: Stream_StreamableOp, Stream_SubviewEffectOp, SymbolUserOpInterface, Util_SizeAwareOp

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
entry_points::mlir::ArrayAttrsymbol ref array attribute
resource_accesses::mlir::ArrayAttraccess array attribute
Operand Description
workload variadic of index
uniform_operands variadic of index or integer or floating-point or complex-type
resources variadic of resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource
resource_sizes variadic of index
resource_offsets variadic of index
resource_lengths variadic of index

stream.cmd.execute (Stream::CmdExecuteOp)link

Executes a dependency-aware sequence of streamable ops


operation ::= `stream.cmd.execute` (`once` $once^)?
              (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              (`await` `(` $await_timepoint^ `)` `=` `` `>`)?
              `with` ``
              type($resource_operands), $resource_operand_sizes,
              `=` `` `>` type($result_timepoint)

Evaluates the operations within the region by dependency order while obeying ties when present. Nested ops execute serially in block order and nested stream.cmd.concurrent ops can be used to run multiple ops concurrently within the stream. All resource inputs must be captured explicitly. All results are only ready once all nested ops complete execution and the returned timepoint is reached. Zero or more timepoints may be provided to block execution until they are all reached; zero timepoints indicates that execution may begin immediately.

Traits: AttrSizedOperandSegments, RecursiveMemoryEffects, SingleBlockImplicitTerminator<IREE::Stream::YieldOp>, SingleBlock, Stream_CmdPhaseOp

Interfaces: ClosureOpInterface, InferTypeOpInterface, RegionBranchOpInterface, Stream_AffinityOp, Stream_TimelineOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
once::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
resource_operands variadic of resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource or staging resource
resource_operand_sizes variadic of index
await_timepoint a timepoint indicating execution availability
Result Description
result_timepoint a timepoint indicating execution availability

stream.cmd.fill (Stream::CmdFillOp)link

Fills a subview of a stream resource with a value


operation ::= `stream.cmd.fill` $value `,`
              $target `[` $target_offset `for` $target_length `]` `:`
              type($value) `->`
              type($target) `` `{` $target_size `}`

Splats a value into a subview of the given stream resource and returns the resource with the update applied.

Traits: Stream_CmdPhaseOp

Interfaces: Stream_StreamableOp, Stream_SubviewEffectOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

Operand Description
target resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource
target_size index
target_offset index
target_length index
value 8-bit signless integer or 16-bit signless integer or 32-bit signless integer

stream.cmd.flush (Stream::CmdFlushOp)link

Flushes a subview of a resource


operation ::= `stream.cmd.flush` (`to` `(` $source_affinity^ `)`)?
              $target `[` $target_offset `for` $target_length `]` `:`
              type($target) `` `{` $target_size `}`

Transfers a resource to an external target. The resource memory is made available to the target and can be made visible there using stream.cmd.invalidate.

Traits: Stream_CmdPhaseOp

Interfaces: Stream_StreamableOp, Stream_SubviewEffectOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
source_affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
target any stream-compatible type
target_size index
target_offset index
target_length index

stream.cmd.func (Stream::CmdFuncOp)link

Streamable function declaration


operation ::= `stream.cmd.func` custom<SymbolVisibility>($sym_visibility)
              $sym_name ``

Declares a function that can be called as an asynchronous streaming operation via Today only external functions are allowed.

Traits: IsolatedFromAbove, Stream_CmdPhaseOp

Interfaces: CallableOpInterface, FunctionOpInterface, Symbol

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
sym_name::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
function_type::mlir::TypeAttrtype attribute of function type
sym_visibility::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
arg_attrs::mlir::ArrayAttrArray of dictionary attributes
res_attrs::mlir::ArrayAttrArray of dictionary attributes

stream.cmd.invalidate (Stream::CmdInvalidateOp)link

Invalidates a subview of a resource


operation ::= `stream.cmd.invalidate` (`from` `(` $source_affinity^ `)`)?
              $target `[` $target_offset `for` $target_length `]` `:`
              type($target) `` `{` $target_size `}`

Transfers a resource from an external source into the current target. The resource memory is assumed to have been made available at the source via stream.cmd.flush.

Traits: Stream_CmdPhaseOp

Interfaces: Stream_StreamableOp, Stream_SubviewEffectOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
source_affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
target any stream-compatible type
target_size index
target_offset index
target_length index

stream.cmd.serial (Stream::CmdSerialOp)link

Executes all ops serially (in-order)


operation ::= `stream.cmd.serial` $body

Represents a sequence of work scheduled serially (each op executing one after the other).

Regions can be nested to create a DAG. For example, take the following graph:

+-------|-------+   +---|----+
|    v--+--v    |   |   v    |
| +----+ +----+ |   | +----+ |
| | @a | | @b | |   | | @c | |
| +----+ +----+ |   | +----+ |
|    |     |    |   |   |    |
|    |     |    |   | +-v--+ |
|    |     |    |   | | @d | |
|    |     |    |   | +----+ |
|    +--v--+    |   |   |    |
+-------|-------+   +---|----+

Represented with nested regions:

  stream.cmd.concurrent {
    stream.cmd.concurrent {
      stream.cmd.dispatch @a
      stream.cmd.dispatch @b
    stream.cmd.serial {
      stream.cmd.dispatch @c
      stream.cmd.dispatch @d

Traits: HasParent<IREE::Stream::CmdExecuteOp, IREE::Stream::CmdSerialOp, IREE::Stream::CmdConcurrentOp>, RecursiveMemoryEffects, SingleBlockImplicitTerminator<IREE::Stream::YieldOp>, SingleBlock, Stream_CmdPhaseOp

Interfaces: RegionBranchOpInterface, Stream_StreamableOp

File opslink

File ops.

stream.file.constant (Stream::FileConstantOp)link

Creates a file backed by the provided constant host memory


operation ::= `stream.file.constant` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              $source `[` $source_offset `for` $source_length `]` `:`
              type($source) `` `{` $source_size `}`

Synchronously wraps a host heap buffer into a stream-accessible file handle. Changing the source buffer after definition has undefined behavior.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, MemoryEffectOpInterface (MemoryEffectOpInterface), NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface, Stream_AffinityOp, SubrangeOperandOpInterface, Util_SizeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{MemoryEffects::Allocate on ::mlir::SideEffects::DefaultResource}, MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
source a reference counted byte buffer
source_size index
source_offset index
source_length index
Result Description
result a file handle used for I/O operations (Stream::FileReadOp)link

Reads a segment of a file into a resource


operation ::= `` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              (`await` `(` $await_timepoint^ `)` `=` `` `>`):(`:`)?
              $source `[` $source_offset `]` `,`
              $target `[` $target_offset `]` `,`
              $length `:`
              type($source) `->`
              type($target) `` `{` $target_size `}`
              `=` `` `>`

Asynchronously reads a segment of a file into a resource.

Some implementations can stream directly from the source file into device-local memory and file ops should be preferred to manually staging memory through host buffers.

Traits: Stream_CmdPhaseOp

Interfaces: InferTypeOpInterface, Stream_AffinityOp, Stream_TimelineOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
source a file handle used for I/O operations
source_offset 64-bit signless integer
target resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource
target_size index
target_offset index
length index
await_timepoint a timepoint indicating execution availability
Result Description
result_timepoint a timepoint indicating execution availability

stream.file.write (Stream::FileWriteOp)link

Writes a segment of a file from a resource


operation ::= `stream.file.write` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              (`await` `(` $await_timepoint^ `)` `=` `` `>`):(`:`)?
              $source `[` $source_offset `]` `,`
              $target `[` $target_offset `]` `,`
              $length `:`
              type($source) `` `{` $source_size `}` `->`
              `=` `` `>`

Asynchronously writes a segment of a resource into a file. The file range must be valid within the file as this operation cannot grow the underlying file storage.

Some implementations can stream directly from device-local memory into the target file and file ops should be preferred to manually staging memory through host buffers.

Traits: Stream_CmdPhaseOp

Interfaces: InferTypeOpInterface, Stream_AffinityOp, Stream_TimelineOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
source resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource
source_size index
source_offset index
target a file handle used for I/O operations
target_offset 64-bit signless integer
length index
await_timepoint a timepoint indicating execution availability
Result Description
result_timepoint a timepoint indicating execution availability

Miscellaneous opslink

stream.return (Stream::ReturnOp)link

Returns results from a region


operation ::= `stream.return` attr-dict
              $operands `:` type($operands)

The values returned are copied by-value.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, HasParent<IREE::Stream::ExecutableExportOp>, ReturnLike, Terminator

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), RegionBranchTerminatorOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

Operand Description
operands variadic of any type

stream.yield (Stream::YieldOp)link

Yields stream values from an execution region


operation ::= `stream.yield` attr-dict
              ($resource_operands^ `:`

The values returned represent the asynchronous value at the point in time the SSA value is defined (or tied).

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, HasParent<IREE::Stream::AsyncExecuteOp, IREE::Stream::AsyncConcurrentOp, IREE::Stream::CmdExecuteOp, IREE::Stream::CmdSerialOp, IREE::Stream::CmdConcurrentOp>, SameVariadicOperandSize, Terminator

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), RegionBranchTerminatorOpInterface, Util_SizeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

Operand Description
resource_operands variadic of resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource or staging resource
resource_operand_sizes variadic of index

Pseudo Opslink

Pseudo ops for conversion support.

stream.tensor.export (Stream::TensorExportOp)link

Conversion placeholder for stream->other type conversion


operation ::= `stream.tensor.export` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              $source `:`
              $source_encoding (`` `{` $source_encoding_dims^ `}`)?
              type($source) `` `{` $source_size `}`

Defines a conversion to a higher-level dialect type such as tensor that is resolved during lowering into the stream dialect. This can be used to interoperate between levels of the stack that require specifying stream types and those that prior to lowering do not handle them.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), Stream_AffinityOp, TiedOpInterface, Util_ShapeAwareOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
source_encoding::mlir::TypeAttrany type attribute
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
source resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource or staging resource
source_encoding_dims variadic of index
source_size index
Result Description
result any type

stream.tensor.import (Stream::TensorImportOp)link

Conversion placeholder for other->stream type conversion


operation ::= `stream.tensor.import` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              $source `:`
              $result_encoding (`` `{` $result_encoding_dims^ `}`)?
              type($result) `{` $result_size `}`

Defines a conversion from a higher-level dialect type such as tensor that is resolved during lowering into the stream dialect. This can be used to interoperate between levels of the stack that require specifying stream types and those that prior to lowering do not handle them.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), Stream_AffinityOp, TiedOpInterface, Util_ShapeAwareOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
result_encoding::mlir::TypeAttrany type attribute
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
source any type
result_encoding_dims variadic of index
result_size index
Result Description
result resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource or staging resource

Resource opslink

Generic resource ops.

stream.resource.alloc (Stream::ResourceAllocOp)link

Allocates a persistent resource


operation ::= `stream.resource.alloc` (`uninitialized` $uninitialized^)?
              (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              attr-dict `:`
              type($result) `{` $storage_size `}`

Allocates a persistent value (one that is long-lived and possibly external to the program) with undefined contents. Consumers of the allocated result must assume nothing of the contents and use discard access.

Uninitialized allocations will have undefined contents and must only be used when all bytes are discarded prior to any reads. Runtimes decide what "undefined contents" means and here it only indicates that execution will be correct even if the memory starts with non-zero values.

If multiple values are allocated from the same operation it implies that they have matching lifetimes. When lowering to execution environments the separate allocations may be fused into one or more slab allocations in order to reduce overheads. How many allocations can be fused is based on the size of the individual resources and the target constraints (how large any single buffer may be, etc).

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, MemoryEffectOpInterface (MemoryEffectOpInterface), Stream_AffinityOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{MemoryEffects::Allocate on ::mlir::SideEffects::DefaultResource}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
uninitialized::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
storage_size index
Result Description
result any stream-compatible type

stream.resource.alloca (Stream::ResourceAllocaOp)link

Allocates a transient value with undefined contents


operation ::= `stream.resource.alloca` `uninitialized`
              (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              (`await` `(` $await_timepoint^ `)` `=` `` `>`):(`:`)?
              type($result) `{` $storage_size `}`
              `=` `` `>`

Allocates a transient value (one that is short-lived and local to the current computation) with undefined contents. Consumers of the allocated result must assume nothing of the contents and use discard access.

The resource returned is not valid for use until the timepoint is reached; execution using this resource must await on the timepoint.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, MemoryEffectOpInterface (MemoryEffectOpInterface), Stream_AffinityOp, Stream_TimelineOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{MemoryEffects::Allocate on ::mlir::SideEffects::DefaultResource}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
storage_size index
await_timepoint a timepoint indicating execution availability
Result Description
result any stream-compatible type
result_timepoint a timepoint indicating execution availability

stream.resource.constants (Stream::ResourceConstantsOp)link

Asynchronously uploads or maps constant values


operation ::= `stream.resource.constants` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              attr-dict `:`
              `\n` ` ` ` ` `=` `` `>` type($result_timepoint)

Represents an upload of constant resources that may be packed, suballocated, and mapped depending on the final lowering target.

In runtime environments where memory is shared between host and device this turns into a mapping operation that avoids additional memory allocation and copies. When memory cannot be shared an asynchronous stream will be created to allocate and copy all of the constant values.

Though this op returns a unique resource for each constant value it's expected that almost all end up aliasing into the same storage. The exact packing and number of storage resources that are needed are not known until lowering to a particular backend, though, so they are separate here for proper usage tracking.

Both constant and variable resources can be produced; a constant is immutable while a variable will be treated as a constant-value initializer for a mutable resource. By modeling these together it's not required that variable initializers first be allocated, copied to the target, and then copied into the variable storage if the target is capable of doing a direct upload or mapping.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, SameVariadicResultSize

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), Stream_AffinityOp, Stream_TimelineOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
values::mlir::ArrayAttrconstant value array attribute
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
result_sizes variadic of index
Result Description
results variadic of constant resource or variable resource
result_timepoint a timepoint indicating execution availability

stream.resource.dealloca (Stream::ResourceDeallocaOp)link

Frees a transient value when available


operation ::= `stream.resource.dealloca` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              (`await` `(` $await_timepoint^ `)` `=` `` `>`)?
              $operand `:` type($operand) `{` $operand_size `}`
              `=` `` `>` type($result_timepoint)

Deallocates a transient value (one that is short-lived and local to the current computation) previously allocated using stream.resource.alloca.

The resource is considered live and valid until the provided timepoint is reached and the memory is only made available for future requests after the result timepoint is reached.

Interfaces: InferTypeOpInterface, MemoryEffectOpInterface (MemoryEffectOpInterface), Stream_AffinityOp, Stream_TimelineOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{MemoryEffects::Free on ::mlir::SideEffects::DefaultResource}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
operand any stream-compatible type
operand_size index
await_timepoint a timepoint indicating execution availability
Result Description
result_timepoint a timepoint indicating execution availability

stream.resource.load (Stream::ResourceLoadOp)link

Loads a value from a staging resource


operation ::= `stream.resource.load` $source `[` $source_offset `]` `:`
              type($source) `` `{` $source_size `}`

Returns the element(s) at the given offset in the staging resource. The operation will complete synchronously against the resource though it may introduce a yield point if the staging resource needs to be transferred.

Interfaces: Util_SizeAwareOp

Operand Description
source staging resource
source_size index
source_offset index
Result Description
result index or integer or floating-point or complex-type or vector of any type values

stream.resource.pack (Stream::ResourcePackOp)link

Packs variable-sized slices into a single slab


operation ::= `stream.resource.pack` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              (`offset` `(` $offset^ `)`)?
              `slices` `(` `{`
              `}` `)`
              `:` type($total_length)

Performs a greedy packing of one or more sized slices with specified lifetimes and returns their relative offsets in an aliased linear space.

Slices are [start, end] = %slice_byte_size, where the start and end values define an inclusive lifetime range and the size is the total number of bytes required to be live for that range.

// Computes the total length required for the packed values and the offsets
// of the 3 slices requested relative to the base of the packed memory:
%total_length, %offset_0, %offset_1, %offset_2 =
        // Each slice gets one result offset:
          // 3 slices where A and B overlap and will get unique offsets
          // while B and C do not overlap and are allowed to alias.
          [0, 10] = %size_0,  // A => %offset_0
          [3,  8] = %size_1,  // B => %offset_1
          [9, 10] = %size_2,  // C => %offset_2
        }) : index

The lifetime start and end points (inclusive) are only used for relative comparisons and may originate with any meaning (op order in block, epoch, phase of the moon, etc). The packing algorithm uses the intervals to determine slice liveness and when aliasing is safe.

The size of each slice may either be a constant or runtime-computed dynamic value. Constant slices can achieve more dense packing than the dynamic values and CSE/canonicalization should be applied to ensure that as many of the dynamic values are equivalent if possible.

The total length required to pack all slices is returned and can be used to acquire storage. The individual slice offsets are 0-based and as such if are directly used as buffer offsets may need additional offsetting. This can either be applied via the optional offset operand or slicing of the underlying allocation buffer.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, AttrSizedOperandSegments

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface, Stream_AffinityOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
lifetime_intervals::mlir::ArrayAttrindex array attribute
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
offset index
dynamic_slice_sizes variadic of index
Result Description
total_length index
packed_offsets variadic of index

stream.resource.size (Stream::ResourceSizeOp)link

Returns the size of the resource storage in bytes


operation ::= `stream.resource.size` $operand
              attr-dict `:` type($operand)

Returns a possibly runtime-dynamic byte size of the resource backing storage. This may differ from the logical storage size of a value based on the alignment requirements of the target as well as encoding of higher level values such as sparse tensor formats.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), Util_SizeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
operand any stream-compatible type
Result Description
result index (Stream::ResourceStoreOp)link

Stores a value into a staging resource


operation ::= `` $value `,`
              $target `[` $target_offset `]` `:`
              type($target) `{` $target_size `}`

The operation will complete synchronously against the resource though it may introduce a yield point if the staging resource needs to be acquired.

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface (MemoryEffectOpInterface), Util_SizeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{MemoryEffects::Write on ::mlir::SideEffects::DefaultResource}

Operand Description
target staging resource
target_size index
target_offset index
value index or integer or floating-point or complex-type or vector of any type values

stream.resource.subview (Stream::ResourceSubviewOp)link

Slices out a cloned subview of a value


operation ::= `stream.resource.subview` $source `[` $source_offset `]` `:`
              type($source) `` `{` $source_size `}` `->`
              type($result) `` `{` $result_size `}`

Aliases a byte subrange of a resource.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), StreamableOpInterface, TiedOpInterface, Util_SizeAwareOp, Util_SubrangeOp, ViewLikeOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

Operand Description
source any stream-compatible type
source_size index
source_offset index
result_size index
Result Description
result any stream-compatible type

stream.resource.try_map (Stream::ResourceTryMapOp)link

Maps read-only memory into a resource


operation ::= `stream.resource.try_map` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              $source `[` $source_offset `]` `:`
              type($did_map) `,` type($result) `` `{` $result_size `}`

Synchronously maps a host heap buffer into a stream-accessible resource with the requested lifetime. If the given source cannot be mapped the did_map result will be 0 and users must find another route into memory (such as file I/O). The resulting resource is not coherent with the source and behavior is undefined if the underlying contents change.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, MemoryEffectOpInterface (MemoryEffectOpInterface), NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), Stream_AffinityOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{MemoryEffects::Allocate on ::mlir::SideEffects::DefaultResource}, MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
source a reference counted byte buffer
source_offset index
result_size index
Result Description
did_map 1-bit signless integer
result resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource

Resource parameter I/O opslink

Resource parameter I/O ops.

stream.parameter.gather (Stream::ParameterGatherOp)link

Gathers multiple resources from a parameter scope


operation ::= `stream.parameter.gather` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              (`await` `(` $await_timepoint^ `)` `=` `` `>`)?
              $source_scope, $source_keys, $source_offsets,
              $target, type($target), $target_size, $target_offsets, $target_lengths)
              `=` `` `>`

Asynchronously gathers one or more resources into a single target stream resource. This is equivalent to one per parameter but allows implementations that can batch operations to do so without additional timeline overhead.

Traits: AttrSizedOperandSegments, Stream_CmdPhaseOp

Interfaces: InferTypeOpInterface, Stream_AffinityOp, Stream_TimelineOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
source_scope::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
source_keys::mlir::ArrayAttrstring array attribute
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
source_offsets variadic of 64-bit signless integer
target resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource
target_size index
target_offsets variadic of index
target_lengths variadic of index
await_timepoint a timepoint indicating execution availability
Result Description
result_timepoint a timepoint indicating execution availability

stream.parameter.load (Stream::ParameterLoadOp)link

Reads one or more resources from a parameter scope


operation ::= `stream.parameter.load` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              (`await` `(` $await_timepoint^ `)` `=` `` `>`)?
              $source_scope, $source_keys, $source_offsets,
              type($results), $result_sizes)
              `=` `` `>`

Asynchronously reads one or more resources from an external parameter provider and returns the resulting stream resources. Depending on the resource type this may alias existing cached storage or be directly mapped to the parameter origin or result in a copy as if stream.resource.alloca and had been used per parameter.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, AttrSizedOperandSegments, Stream_CmdPhaseOp

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), Stream_AffinityOp, Stream_TimelineOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
source_scope::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
source_keys::mlir::ArrayAttrstring array attribute
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
source_offsets variadic of 64-bit signless integer
result_sizes variadic of index
await_timepoint a timepoint indicating execution availability
Result Description
results variadic of resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource
result_timepoint a timepoint indicating execution availability (Stream::ParameterReadOp)link

Reads a resource from a parameter scope


operation ::= `` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              (`await` `(` $await_timepoint^ `)` `=` `` `>`)?
              custom<ParameterReference>($source_scope, $source_key)
              `` `[` $source_offset `]` `->`
              $target `[` $target_offset `for` $target_length `]` `:`
              type($target) `` `{` $target_size `}`
              `=` `` `>`

Asynchronously reads a resource from an external parameter provider into the provided target resource range.

Traits: Stream_CmdPhaseOp

Interfaces: InferTypeOpInterface, Stream_AffinityOp, Stream_TimelineOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
source_scope::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
source_key::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
source_offset 64-bit signless integer
target resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource
target_size index
target_offset index
target_length index
await_timepoint a timepoint indicating execution availability
Result Description
result_timepoint a timepoint indicating execution availability

stream.parameter.scatter (Stream::ParameterScatterOp)link

Scatters multiple resources to a parameter scope


operation ::= `stream.parameter.scatter` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              (`await` `(` $await_timepoint^ `)` `=` `` `>`)?
              $source, type($source), $source_size, $source_offsets, $source_lengths,
              $target_scope, $target_keys, $target_offsets)
              `=` `` `>`

Asynchronously scatters one or more resources from a single source resource into one or more parameters. This is equivalent to one stream.parameter.write per parameter but allows implementations that can batch operations to do so without additional overhead.

Traits: AttrSizedOperandSegments, Stream_CmdPhaseOp

Interfaces: InferTypeOpInterface, Stream_AffinityOp, Stream_TimelineOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
target_scope::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
target_keys::mlir::ArrayAttrstring array attribute
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
source resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource
source_size index
source_offsets variadic of index
source_lengths variadic of index
target_offsets variadic of 64-bit signless integer
await_timepoint a timepoint indicating execution availability
Result Description
result_timepoint a timepoint indicating execution availability

stream.parameter.write (Stream::ParameterWriteOp)link

Writes a resource to a parameter scope


operation ::= `stream.parameter.write` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              (`await` `(` $await_timepoint^ `)` `=` `` `>`)?
              $source `[` $source_offset `for` $source_length `]` `:`
              type($source) `` `{` $source_size `}` `->`
              custom<ParameterReference>($target_scope, $target_key)
              `` `[` $target_offset `]`
              `=` `` `>`

Asynchronously writes a resource to an external parameter provider from the provided source resource range.

Traits: Stream_CmdPhaseOp

Interfaces: InferTypeOpInterface, Stream_AffinityOp, Stream_TimelineOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
target_scope::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
target_key::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
source resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource
source_size index
source_offset index
source_length index
target_offset 64-bit signless integer
await_timepoint a timepoint indicating execution availability
Result Description
result_timepoint a timepoint indicating execution availability

Synchronization opslink

stream.timepoint.await (Stream::TimepointAwaitOp)link

Awaits a timepoint before returning a set of resources


operation ::= `stream.timepoint.await` $await_timepoint `=` `` `>`
              $resource_operands `:`
              type($results), $resource_operand_sizes)

After asynchronous execution scheduling resources may exist in different states at different points in the execution timeline. This op enables resolving the version of a resource after a particular point in the timeline. As timepoints transitively chain the timepoint must only cover the resource availability but not be limited to its original production timepoint.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, AttrSizedOperandSegments

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), Stream_TimelineOp, TiedOpInterface, Util_SizeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

Operand Description
resource_operands variadic of resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource or staging resource
resource_operand_sizes variadic of index
await_timepoint a timepoint indicating execution availability
Result Description
results variadic of resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource or staging resource

stream.timepoint.barrier (Stream::TimepointBarrierOp)link

Returns a timepoint indicating when a resource is available


operation ::= `stream.timepoint.barrier` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              $resource `:` type($resource) `` `{` $resource_size `}`
              `=` `` `>`

After asynchronous execution scheduling resources may exist in different states at different points in the execution timeline. This op enables identifying when the version of a resource after a particular point in the timeline is available. As timepoints transitively chain the timepoint must only cover the resource availability but not be limited to its original production timepoint.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), Stream_AffinityOp, Stream_TimelineOp, TiedOpInterface, Util_SizeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
resource resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource or staging resource
resource_size index
Result Description
result resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource or staging resource
result_timepoint a timepoint indicating execution availability

stream.timepoint.chain_external (Stream::TimepointChainExternalOp)link

Exports a timepoint to an external dialect type


operation ::= `stream.timepoint.chain_external` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              `=` `` `>`
              `(` $external_values `:` type($external_values) `)`

Defines a conversion to an external dialect type such as hal.fence that is resolved during lowering into the stream dialect. This can be used to interoperate between levels of the stack that require specifying stream types and those that prior to lowering do not handle them.

Interfaces: Stream_AffinityOp

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
await_timepoint a timepoint indicating execution availability
external_values variadic of any type

stream.timepoint.export (Stream::TimepointExportOp)link

Exports a timepoint to an external dialect type


operation ::= `stream.timepoint.export` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              `=` `` `>`
              `(` type($results) `)`

Defines a conversion to an external dialect type such as hal.fence that is resolved during lowering into the stream dialect. This can be used to interoperate between levels of the stack that require specifying stream types and those that prior to lowering do not handle them.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), Stream_AffinityOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
await_timepoint a timepoint indicating execution availability
Result Description
results variadic of any type

stream.timepoint.immediate (Stream::TimepointImmediateOp)link

Results an immediately-available timepoint


operation ::= `stream.timepoint.immediate` attr-dict
              `=` `` `>` type($result_timepoint)

Timepoints indicate a point in the execution timeline and this op can be used to get a placeholder representing the start of the timeline. Any waits on the returned timepoint will resolve immediately. This generally folds away but can be useful if needing to initialize globals or branch args.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, ConstantLike

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), Stream_TimelineOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

Result Description
result_timepoint a timepoint indicating execution availability

stream.timepoint.import (Stream::TimepointImportOp)link

Imports a timepoint from an external dialect type


operation ::= `stream.timepoint.import` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              $operands `:` `(` type($operands) `)`
              `=` `` `>`

Defines a conversion from an external dialect type such as hal.semaphore that is resolved during lowering into the stream dialect. This can be used to interoperate between levels of the stack that require specifying stream types and those that prior to lowering do not handle them.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), Stream_AffinityOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
operands variadic of any type
Result Description
result_timepoint a timepoint indicating execution availability

stream.timepoint.join (Stream::TimepointJoinOp)link

Joins one or more timepoints into the max of all of them


operation ::= `stream.timepoint.join` `max` `(` $await_timepoints `)` `=` `` `>` type($result_timepoint)

Returns a timepoint that indicates that all of the input timepoints have been reached.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), Stream_TimelineOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

Operand Description
await_timepoints variadic of a timepoint indicating execution availability
Result Description
result_timepoint a timepoint indicating execution availability

Tensor opslink

stream.tensor.clone (Stream::TensorCloneOp)link

Clones the contents of a value


operation ::= `stream.tensor.clone` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              $source `:`
              $source_encoding (`` `{` $source_encoding_dims^ `}`)?
              type($source) `` `{` $source_size `}`
              $result_encoding (`` `{` $result_encoding_dims^ `}`)?
              type($result) `` `{` $result_size `}`

Clones the contents of a value at a snapshot in time. Future changes to the cloned value will not effect the result. Acts as a copy-on-write operation.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, AttrSizedOperandSegments, Stream_TensorPhaseOp

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), Stream_AffinityOp, Stream_StreamableOp, Util_ShapeAwareOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
source_encoding::mlir::TypeAttrany type attribute
result_encoding::mlir::TypeAttrany type attribute
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
source resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource
source_encoding_dims variadic of index
source_size index
result_encoding_dims variadic of index
result_size index
Result Description
result resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource

stream.tensor.constant (Stream::TensorConstantOp)link

Defines a constant tensor value


operation ::= `stream.tensor.constant` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              $result_encoding (`` `{` $result_encoding_dims^ `}`)?

Returns a typed resource initialized to the given constant value.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, Stream_TensorPhaseOp

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface, Stream_AffinityOp, Stream_StreamableOp, Util_ShapeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
value::mlir::TypedAttrTypedAttr instance
result_encoding::mlir::TypeAttrany type attribute
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
result_encoding_dims variadic of index
Result Description
result resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource

stream.tensor.empty (Stream::TensorEmptyOp)link

Defines an empty tensor value


operation ::= `stream.tensor.empty` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              $result_encoding (`` `{` $result_encoding_dims^ `}`)?
              type($result) `` `{` $result_size `}`

Returns a typed resource initialized with no contents. This still carries shape metadata and may encode to a non-empty resource such as in cases where the empty representation still has data (e.g. sparse tensors). Subsequent writes must populate any ranges of the tensor that are later read.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, Stream_TensorPhaseOp

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface, Stream_AffinityOp, StreamableOpInterface, Util_ShapeAwareOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
result_encoding::mlir::TypeAttrany type attribute
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
result_encoding_dims variadic of index
result_size index
Result Description
result resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource

stream.tensor.fill (Stream::TensorFillOp)link

Fills a subview of a stream resource with a value


operation ::= `stream.tensor.fill` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              $value `,` $target (`[` $start_indices `for` $lengths^ `]`)? `:`
              $target_encoding (`` `{` $target_encoding_dims^ `}`)?
              custom<ShapedTiedResult>(type($target), $target_size)

Splats a value into a subview of the given stream resource and returns the resource with the update applied.

Equivalent to a stream.tensor.splat + stream.tensor.update.

Traits: AttrSizedOperandSegments, Stream_TensorPhaseOp

Interfaces: InferTypeOpInterface, Stream_AffinityOp, Stream_StreamableOp, TiedOpInterface, Util_ShapeAwareOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
target_encoding::mlir::TypeAttrany type attribute
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
target resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource
target_encoding_dims variadic of index
target_size index
start_indices variadic of index
lengths variadic of index
value index or integer or floating-point or complex-type
Result Description
result resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource

stream.tensor.load (Stream::TensorLoadOp)link

Loads a value from a tensor element


operation ::= `stream.tensor.load` $source (`[` $indices^ `]`)? `:`
              $source_encoding (`` `{` $source_encoding_dims^ `}`)?
              type($source) `` `{` $source_size `}`

Returns the element at the given location from within the tensor.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, AttrSizedOperandSegments, Stream_TensorPhaseOp

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), Util_ShapeAwareOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
source_encoding::mlir::TypeAttrany type attribute
Operand Description
source staging resource
source_encoding_dims variadic of index
source_size index
indices variadic of index
Result Description
result index or integer or floating-point or complex-type or vector of any type values

stream.tensor.sizeof (Stream::TensorSizeOfOp)link

Calculates the storage size of a given high-level type


operation ::= `stream.tensor.sizeof` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              $encoding (`{` $encoding_dims^ `}`)?
              attr-dict `:` type($storage_size)

Target-dependent storage size calculation using a high-level annotated type. While within the stream dialect the storage size of a value is left as a placeholder using this op. The requisite target-specific parameters for expanding the size calculation are only available after affinities have been assigned.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, Stream_TensorPhaseOp

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), Stream_AffinityOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
encoding::mlir::TypeAttrany type attribute
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
encoding_dims variadic of index
Result Description
storage_size index

stream.tensor.slice (Stream::TensorSliceOp)link

Slices out a cloned subview of a value


operation ::= `stream.tensor.slice` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              $source `[` $start_indices `for` $lengths `]` `:`
              $source_encoding (`` `{` $source_encoding_dims^ `}`)?
              type($source) `` `{` $source_size `}`
              $result_encoding (`` `{` $result_encoding_dims^ `}`)?
              type($result) `` `{` $result_size `}`

Slices a subrange of a stream resource based on a tensor encoding. Acts as a copy-on-write operation.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, AttrSizedOperandSegments, Stream_TensorPhaseOp

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), Stream_AffinityOp, Stream_StreamableOp, Util_ShapeAwareOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
source_encoding::mlir::TypeAttrany type attribute
result_encoding::mlir::TypeAttrany type attribute
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
source resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource
source_encoding_dims variadic of index
source_size index
start_indices variadic of index
lengths variadic of index
result_encoding_dims variadic of index
result_size index
Result Description
result resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource

stream.tensor.splat (Stream::TensorSplatOp)link

Splats a value into a shaped tensor


operation ::= `stream.tensor.splat` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              `:` type($value)
              $result_encoding (`` `{` $result_encoding_dims^ `}`)?
              type($result) `` `{` $result_size `}`

Returns a typed resource initialized to the given primitive value.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, Stream_TensorPhaseOp

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), Stream_AffinityOp, StreamableOpInterface, Util_ShapeAwareOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
result_encoding::mlir::TypeAttrany type attribute
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
value index or integer or floating-point or complex-type
result_encoding_dims variadic of index
result_size index
Result Description
result resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource (Stream::TensorStoreOp)link

Stores a value into a tensor element


operation ::= `` $value `,`
              $target (`[` $indices^ `]`)? `:`
              $target_encoding (`` `{` $target_encoding_dims^ `}`)?
              custom<ShapedTiedResult>(type($target), $target_size)

Returns a tensor with the element at the given index set to the given value.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, AttrSizedOperandSegments, Stream_TensorPhaseOp

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), TiedOpInterface, Util_ShapeAwareOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
target_encoding::mlir::TypeAttrany type attribute
Operand Description
target staging resource
target_encoding_dims variadic of index
target_size index
indices variadic of index
value index or integer or floating-point or complex-type or vector of any type values
Result Description
result staging resource

stream.tensor.trace (Stream::TensorTraceOp)link

Traces one or more tensor values at runtime


operation ::= `stream.tensor.trace` $key `=` `[`
              $resources, type($resources), $resource_sizes,
              $resource_encodings, $resource_encoding_dims)
              `]` attr-dict-with-keyword

Traces out to a runtime trace sink (console, log file, etc) the given tensors. The key is arbitrary and can be used for identifying the set of values being traced.

Traits: AttrSizedOperandSegments

Interfaces: ShapeAwareOpInterface, Util_SizeAwareOp

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
key::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
resource_encodings::mlir::ArrayAttrtype array attribute
Operand Description
resources variadic of staging resource
resource_sizes variadic of index
resource_encoding_dims variadic of index

stream.tensor.update (Stream::TensorUpdateOp)link

Updates a slice of a subview of a resource in-place


operation ::= `stream.tensor.update` (`on` `(` $affinity^ `)`)?
              $update `,` $target `[` $start_indices `]` `:`
              $update_encoding (`` `{` $update_encoding_dims^ `}`)?
              type($update) `` `{` $update_size `}`
              $target_encoding (`` `{` $target_encoding_dims^ `}`)?
              custom<ShapedTiedResult>(type($target), $target_size)

Copies a value into a resource based on tensor encodings. The returned value is the entire updated target value.

Traits: AttrSizedOperandSegments, Stream_TensorPhaseOp

Interfaces: InferTypeOpInterface, Stream_AffinityOp, Stream_StreamableOp, TiedOpInterface, Util_ShapeAwareOp, Util_SizeAwareOp

AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
target_encoding::mlir::TypeAttrany type attribute
update_encoding::mlir::TypeAttrany type attribute
affinity::mlir::iree_compiler::IREE::Stream::AffinityAttrdefines execution context affinity
Operand Description
target resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource
target_encoding_dims variadic of index
target_size index
start_indices variadic of index
update resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource
update_encoding_dims variadic of index
update_size index
Result Description
result resource or external resource or transient resource or variable resource or constant resource



collective operation and specification


  CollectiveKind,   # kind
  std::optional<CollectiveReductionOp>,   # reduction
  CollectiveElementType   # element_type

Specifies the collective operation to perform and any mode bits required.

Parameter C++ type Description
kind CollectiveKind
reduction std::optional<CollectiveReductionOp>
element_type CollectiveElementType


named parameter referenced an optional scope and key


  ::mlir::Type,   # type
  StringAttr,   # scope
  StringAttr,   # key
  DictionaryAttr   # config

Species an externally-defined parameter that can be referenced by an optional scope defining a set of parameters and a key uniquely identifying the parameter within its scope.

Parameter C++ type Description
type ::mlir::Type
scope StringAttr
key StringAttr
config DictionaryAttr


defines partitioning configuration

Configures the partitioning algorithm to use and its configuration. Partitioning is useful to adjust when scheduling behavior of targets is radically different - such as single-threaded vs. multi-threaded CPUs or bespoke ML accelerators vs. general purpose GPUs. This mechanism controls the amount of concurrency, parallelism, memory consumption, and latency.

Parameter C++ type Description
favor IREE::Stream::FavorAttr


defines resource constraints configuration

Defines resource storage constraints. These allow for packing and layout algorithms to ensure they are producing usable results on target devices.

Parameter C++ type Description
maxAllocationSize int64_t
minBufferOffsetAlignment int64_t
maxBufferRange int64_t
minBufferRangeAlignment int64_t
indexBits int64_t
aliasMutableBindings bool
memoryModel IREE::Stream::MemoryModel


an immediately-resolved timepoint

Parameter C++ type Description
type ::mlir::Type

Type constraintslink

constant resourcelink

Stream constants are immutable values that are available for the lifetime of the program once initialized.

external resourcelink

Stream external values represent asynchronously-available and sequenced values that are owned and managed by external code - such as those passed in or out of the program entry points. Though external values are managed during an invocation the same as other stream values the visibility into them does not extend outside of the invocation they are provided to.

Stream values are not usable directly outside of a stream execution or transfer operation. If the contents of the value are needed they must first be transferred via stream.transfer - which may incur a copy.

staging resourcelink

Stream upload/download staging resource. These are used outside of streams and then transferred to other stream resources such as variables or transients for use inside of streams. Dispatches and several other operations cannot directly operate on these resources.

transient resourcelink

Stream transients represent asynchronously-available and sequenced values that have a short lifetime - often only passed between stream executions. It is expected that transient values are not stored in global state and have minimal lifetime as they may be heavily pooled or suballocated.

Stream values are not usable directly outside of a stream execution or transfer operation. If the contents of the value are needed they must first be transferred via stream.transfer - which may incur a copy.


A stream resource that has not yet had its lifetime calculated.

variable resourcelink

Stream variables represent asynchronously-available and sequenced values that have a long lifetime relative to the work being performed on them. These variables are often stored in global state and may live for the entire duration of the program.

Stream values are not usable directly outside of a stream execution or transfer operation. If the contents of the value are needed they must first be transferred via stream.transfer - which may incur a copy.



a managed resource binding into an executable scope

Syntax: !stream.binding

A resource binding available within an executable dispatch function. The bindings map 1:1 with the resources bound during dispatch operations.


a collective communication channel

Syntax: !

Represents a single participant in a collective clique. Multiple channels may exist within the same program to allow for partial operations or hierarchical operations.

In programs that model SPMD behavior internally channels can be created or provided by hosting applications. For example, the program could expose a @set_channels(!util.list<!>) method that stores the channels in globals for use throughout the program allowing for application-controlled channel configuration.


a file handle used for I/O operations

Syntax: !stream.file

A file handle that can be asynchronously read and written into/from stream resources.


a managed resource

Stream external values represent asynchronously-available and sequenced values that are owned and managed by external code - such as those passed in or out of the program entry points. Though external values are managed during an invocation the same as other stream values the visibility into them does not extend outside of the invocation they are provided to.

Stream values are not usable directly outside of a stream execution or transfer operation. If the contents of the value are needed they must first be transferred via stream.transfer - which may incur a copy.

Parameter C++ type Description
lifetime IREE::Stream::Lifetime


a timepoint indicating execution availability

Syntax: !stream.timepoint

Represents a point in the execution timeline that when resolved indicates that all of the execution prior to this timepoint has completed and the results of the execution are available for use. This includes transitive dependencies as well; if timepoint B is dependent on timepoint A then when B is available so too must be A.



valid CollectiveElementType


Symbol Value String
Sint8 0 si8
Uint8 1 ui8
Sint16 2 si16
Uint16 3 ui16
Sint32 4 si32
Uint32 5 ui32
Sint64 6 si64
Uint64 7 ui64
Float16 8 f16
Float32 9 f32
Float64 10 f64
BFloat16 11 bf16


valid CollectiveKind


Symbol Value String
AllGather 0 all_gather
AllReduce 1 all_reduce
AllToAll 2 all_to_all
Broadcast 3 broadcast
Reduce 4 reduce
ReduceScatter 5 reduce_scatter
Send 6 send
Recv 7 recv
SendRecv 8 send_recv


valid CollectiveReductionOp


Symbol Value String
None 0 none
ReductionSum 1 sum
ReductionProduct 2 product
ReductionMinimum 3 minimum
ReductionMaximum 4 maximum
ReductionAverage 5 average


IREE partitioning bias


Symbol Value String
Debug 0 debug
MinPeakMemory 1 min-peak-memory
MaxConcurrency 2 max-concurrency


IREE Stream value lifetime


Symbol Value String
Unknown 0 *
External 1 external
Staging 2 staging
Transient 3 transient
Variable 4 variable
Constant 5 constant


stream resource memory model


Symbol Value String
Unified 0 Unified
Discrete 1 Discrete


valid ResourceAccess


Symbol Value String
None 0 None
Read 1 Read
Write 2 Write