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'iree_encoding' Dialectlink

Tensor encoding attributes and ops.

A dialect defining IREE tensor encoding attributes and related ops, used to implement data-tiling.


iree_encoding.set_encoding (Encoding::SetEncodingOp)link

Perform pack and pad operation on source


operation ::= `iree_encoding.set_encoding` attr-dict $source `:` type($source) `->` type($result)

Operation to assign an encoding to a tensor. The operation does not change the rank or extent of a tensor. Instead it adds an EncodingLayoutResolverAttrInterface attribute to the tensor type to represent a change in layout.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), ReifyRankedShapedTypeOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

Operand Description
source ranked tensor of any type values
Result Description
result ranked tensor of any type values

iree_encoding.unset_encoding (Encoding::UnsetEncodingOp)link

Perfom unpack and extract operation on source


operation ::= `iree_encoding.unset_encoding` attr-dict $source `:` type($source) `->` type($result) (`` `{` $result_dims^ `}`)?

Operation to convert an tensor with EncodingLayoutResolverAttrInterface encoding that represents its data layout into a tensor with default layout (i.e. no encoding). For now in IREE the default layout is row-major.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), ReifyRankedShapedTypeOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

Operand Description
source ranked tensor of any type values
result_dims variadic of index
Result Description
result ranked tensor of any type values