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'check' Dialectlink

A dialect implementing test assertions for IREE modules.


check.expect_all_true (Check::ExpectAllTrueOp)link

Checks that the operand contains only values that are true


operation ::= `check.expect_all_true` (`` `<` $device^ `>`)?
              `` `(` $operand `)` attr-dict `:` type($operand)

Verifies that the operand contains true values, which are represented by any non-zero integer.

Issues a non-fatal failure if the verification fails.

check.expect_all_true<%device>(%arg0) : !hal.buffer_view
check.expect_all_true(%arg1) : tensor<2x2xi32>
Operand Description
device device
operand buffer_view or tensor of signless integer values

check.expect_almost_eq (Check::ExpectAlmostEqOp)link

Checks that the operands are almost equal


operation ::= `check.expect_almost_eq` (`` `<` $device^ `>`)?
              `` `(` $lhs `,` $rhs (`` `,` `atol` $atol^)? (`` `,` `rtol` $rtol^)? `)`
              attr-dict `:` type($lhs)

Verifies that the buffer view or tensor operands with float elements satisfy the Numpy-style fuzzy-comparision condition with parameters atol, rtol, defined exactly as in NumPy isclose():

The condition being verified on each lhs and rhs value is: lhs == rhs || (isfinite(rhs) && abs(lhs - rhs) <= atol + rtol * abs(rhs)). Note that the lhs == rhs part is needed for the case (lhs=+inf, rhs+inf) to return true. Indeed, in that case, lhs-rhs is NaN.

Issues a non-fatal failure if the verification fails.

The atol, rtol parameters may be omitted, in which case some default value is used. The default atol is nonzero, while the default rtol is zero, which makes these comparision behave closer to exact comparisons as the values being compared get large.

This default behavior is supported for legacy compatibility and to support some use cases that legitimately don't care, but the majority of use cases should care and so should provide explicit atol, rtol values.

check.expect_almost_eq(%arg0, %arg1, atol 1.0e-2, rtol 1.0e-3) : tensor<5xf32>
AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
atol::mlir::FloatAttr32-bit float attribute
rtol::mlir::FloatAttr32-bit float attribute
Operand Description
device device
lhs buffer_view or tensor of floating-point values
rhs buffer_view or tensor of floating-point values

check.expect_almost_eq_const (Check::ExpectAlmostEqConstOp)link

Checks that the tensor operand is almost equal to some constant


operation ::= `check.expect_almost_eq_const` (`` `<` $device^ `>`)?
              `` `(` $lhs `,` $value (`` `,` `atol` $atol^)? (`` `,` `rtol` $rtol^)? `)`
              attr-dict `:` type($lhs)

This op is just a convenience wrapper around the expect_almost_eq op.

Verifies that the buffer view or tensor operands with float elements satisfy the Numpy-style fuzzy-comparision condition with pararameters atol, rtol. More details in the description of expect_almost_eq.

Issues a non-fatal failure if the verification fails.

check.expect_almost_eq_const(%const0, dense<[0.999999, 2.0]> : tensor<5xf32>, atol 1.0e-2, rtol 1.0e-3) : tensor<5xf32>
AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
value::mlir::ElementsAttrconstant vector/tensor attribute
atol::mlir::FloatAttr32-bit float attribute
rtol::mlir::FloatAttr32-bit float attribute
Operand Description
device device
lhs tensor of floating-point values

check.expect_eq (Check::ExpectEqOp)link

Checks that the tensor or buffer view operands are equal


operation ::= `check.expect_eq` (`` `<` $device^ `>`)?
              `` `(` $lhs `,` $rhs `)` attr-dict `:` type($lhs)

Verifies that the operands are exactly equal.

Issues a non-fatal failure if the verification fails.

check.expect_eq(%arg0, %arg1) : tensor<5xi32>
Operand Description
device device
lhs buffer_view or tensor of any type values
rhs buffer_view or tensor of any type values

check.expect_eq_const (Check::ExpectEqConstOp)link

Checks that the tensor operand is equal to some constant


operation ::= `check.expect_eq_const` (`` `<` $device^ `>`)?
              `` `(` $lhs `,` $value `)` attr-dict `:` type($lhs)

Verifies that the tensor operand is exactly equal to a constant attribute.

Issues a non-fatal failure if the verification fails.

This op is just a convenience wrapper around the expect_eq op.

check.expect_eq_const(%arg0, dense<[1, 2]> : tensor<2xi32>) : tensor<2xi32>
AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
value::mlir::ElementsAttrconstant vector/tensor attribute
Operand Description
device device
lhs tensor of any type values

check.expect_false (Check::ExpectFalseOp)link

Checks that the operand is false


operation ::= `check.expect_false` `(` $operand `)` attr-dict `:` type($operand)

Verifies that the operand contains a false value, which is represented by zero.

Issues a non-fatal failure if the verification fails.

check.expect_false(%arg0) : i32
Operand Description
operand signless integer

check.expect_true (Check::ExpectTrueOp)link

Checks that the operand is true


operation ::= `check.expect_true` `(` $operand `)` attr-dict `:` type($operand)

Verifies that the operand contains a true value, which is represented by any non-zero integer.

Issues a non-fatal failure if the verification fails.

check.expect_true(%arg0) : i32
Operand Description
operand signless integer