MLIR dialectslink
These pages contain automatically generated documentation for the MLIR dialects defined in the IREE repository. IREE also makes extensive use of dialects from the upstream MLIR repository, which are documented at
IREE internal dialectslink
These dialects are an implementation detail of the IREE compiler, though they
can be used by plugins and other advanced integrations. The sources for most of
these dialects can be found in the
Dialect | Description |
Check | Defines assertions for IREE tests |
Encoding | Tensor encoding attributes and related ops |
Flow | Models execution data flow and partitioning |
HAL | Represents operations against the IREE HAL1 |
HAL/Inline | Inline HAL interop runtime module dialect |
HAL/Loader | HAL inline executable loader runtime module dialect |
IO/Parameters | External parameter resource management APIs |
IREECodegen | Common functionality used by IREE code generation |
IREEGPU | Common functionality used by GPU focused IREE code generation |
IREEVectorExt | Extensions to the Vector dialect for specific operations |
LinalgExt | Extensions to the Linalg dialect for specific operations |
Stream | Model execution partitioning and scheduling |
Util | Types and ops common across IREE subdialects |
VM | Represents operations against an abstract virtual machine |
VMVX | Virtual Machine Vector Extensions |
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